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Nicky translate English

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Bem, prova que o Nicky estava no banco com uma arma e um papel.
Well, it proves that Nicky was in the bank with a gun and a note.
Dentro da mochila do Nicky.
Found inside of Nicky's backpack.
E como explicas a história do Sam de que o Cook roubou o relógio do Nicky e depois disparou sobre ele?
And how do you explain Sam's story that Cook stole Nicky's watch and then shot him?
O Johnny Cook admite ter levado o Rolex, mas nega ter disparado sobre o Nicky.
Johnny Cook admits to taking the Rolex, but denies shooting Nicky.
Acreditamos que ele estava a vigiar a agência, ele viu o Nicky e o Sam a assaltarem o banco, portanto seguiu-os até ao beco e roubou-os.
We believe that he was casing the branch, he saw Nicky and Sam robbing the bank, so he followed them into the alley and robbed them.
Tu e o teu irmão, Nicky, assaltaram.
You and your brother Nicky did.
O Nicky disse que se contasse a alguém, iríamos para a prisão.
Nicky said that if I told anyone, we'd go to jail.
Sabemos que o Nicky entrou.
We know that Nicky went inside.
O Nicky deu à senhora da caixa um papel a pedir exactamente 933 dólares.
Nicky gave the bank teller a note asking for exactly $ 933.
Disse ao Nicky que íamos ser expulsos do apartamento.
I told Nicky we were going to get kicked out of the apartment.
O Nicky encontrou a arma num carro velho quando estávamos a ir para casa há uns tempos.
Nicky found the gun by an old car when we were walking home from school awhile back.
- Não, Nicky...
No, Nicky...
Nicky, deixa-o ficar com ela.
Just give it to him, Nicky.
Meu Deus! Nicky!
Oh, my God!
Sai da frente!
Nicky! Get out of the way!
Estava com medo que se descrevesse o homem que disparou sobre o Nicky, vocês iriam descobrir que assaltámos o banco.
- Troy Castro. I was scared that If I described the man who shot Nicky, you guys would find out we robbed the bank.
Quais são as últimas novidades do Nicky?
What's the latest on Nicky?
Vais chamar-te Nicky "Calças Azuis" Saxofone Alto.
You will be known as Nicky "Blue Pants" Altosaxophony.
Nicky Azul, és um criminoso agressivo.
Hey, Nicky Blue, you're one tough yegg.
Estou comovido. Eu e tu, Nicky.
I am touched.
Partilhamos os mesmos sentimentos.
You and me, Nicky.
Nicky, bem-vindo à família.
Nicky, welcome to the family.
Nicky, meu amigo, esta noite concretiza-se uma coisa que tenho planeado há meses.
Nicky, my friend, tonight is a big score I've been setting up for months.
Como pudeste, Nicky?
How could you, Nicky?
Faça-se um favor, ligue a TV. Nicky...
Look, do yourself a favor, turn on your television.
consegues ouvir-me?
Nicky... can you hear me?
Nicky, porque andas atrás de mim?
Oh, Nicky, why are you flanking me?
Vai para casa, Nicky.
Go home, Nicky.
Mas não se trata de regras, Nicky.
But it's not about rules, Nicky.
Hey, Nicky.
Conheço muitos tipos como o Daniel Moore.
You know, Nicky, I've known a lot of guys like Daniel Moore.
Eu trato disto, Nicky.
I got it, Nicky.
- Tens que te manter a par.
You got to keep up with these things, Nicky.
- Ele disse "Nicky se a vida ficar maluca..."
He said, "Nicky... if life ever gets crazy..."
- Vou chamar o Brass. - Nicky?
I'll call Brass.
O perigo só aumenta a excitação, Nicky.
Danger just adds to the excitement, Nicky.
Nicky, Danny, venham!
Nicky, Danny, come here!
Nicky, Danny!
Nicky, Danny!
Pregaste-nos um susto de morte, Nicky.
You scared the hell out of us, Nicky. Ah...
- Certo, Nicky, fique fora disso.
- Okay, Nicky, stay out of it.
O que teria feito se fosse Nicky?
What if it would've been Nicky?
Nicky, não pediu licença.
Nicky, you were not excused.
- E de repente já não eras o pequeno...
And suddenlyyou were no longer little Nicky Cruchetti
- Nicky Krushedi, num avental branco, o filho de um vendedor de frutas, tu eras o Krusher Krushedi.
In a white apron, the son at the fruit vendor. You were Crusher Cruchetti.
- Erin, teve notícias do Nicky?
- Erin, hear from Nicky?
- Nicky!
Qual é o problema, Nicky?
Ooh-hoo. What's the matter, Nicky?
- Sim.
Nicky? - Yeah.

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