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Nugent translate English

151 parallel translation
Nugent Lamont, também conhecido como Noogman. Sou um túmulo.
Nugart Neville Lamont, alias the Noogman, alias the Cone of Silence.
Não sei se sabe alguma coisa sobre cancro do osso, Sr. Nugent.
And I don't know if you know anything about bone cancer, Mr. Nugent.
- Percebe tudo depressa, Sr. Nugent.
You catch on real quick, Mr. Nugent.
Perguntei onde o arranjou, Sr. Nugent?
I said, where did you get my suit, Mr. Nugent?
Este é o meu primo, Sra Nugent.
This is my cousin - Mrs. Nugent.
O meu marido, Will Nugent.
My husband, Will Nugent.
Suspendê-la enquanto procuramos pelo Will Nugent seria interessante mas poderia ser criticado por Londres.
To suspend it while we find Will Nugent would be interesting but might be criticized in London.
Miss Nugent.
Miss Nugent.
Mas, Miss Nugent, suponhamos que encontram sarilhos?
But, Miss Nugent, suppose you had run into trouble?
Miss Nugent, para compensar da noite passada... eu estava algo grogue... aposto 50 guinéus em si.
Miss Nugent, to make up for last night - I was a bit bosky - I lay 50 guineas on you.
Dez guinéus na Miss Nugent, por favor...
Ten guineas on Miss Nugent, please...
Miss Nugent, alvo às quatro horas.
Miss Nugent, bull at four o'clock.
Miss Nugent, em cheio.
Miss Nugent, dead center.
Miss Nugent... outro em cheio.
Miss Nugent... another bull.
Miss Nugent... em cheio de novo.
Miss Nugent, bull's-eye again.
Miss Nugent... em cheio.
Miss Nugent... bull's-eye.
Miss Nugent, em cheio.
Miss Nugent, bull's-eye.
- Olhe, Miss Nugent...
- Look, Miss Nugent...
A pedido de Miss Nugent, o Major Sharpe vai disparar de novo.
At Miss Nugent's request. Major Sharpe is to refire.
Sra Nugent, eu não devia estar a falar consigo sobre isto.
Mrs. Nugent, I shouldn't really be talking to you about this.
Você pode não estar preocupado com o Willie Nugent, mas o meu marido é um bom homem.
You may have no concern for Willie Nugent, but my husband is a fine man.
Sra Nugent, eu gostaria que aqui não estivesse.
Now, Mrs. Nugent, I wish most profoundly that you were not here.
Capitão Will Nugent.
Capitano Will Nugent.
Sra Nugent, vamos embora.
Mrs. Nugent, we're leaving.
Sra Nugent, Sra Nugent.
Mrs. Nugent, Miss Nugent.
E a Christina Trudell e a Eleanor Hughes, a Linda Lomaz, a Lisa Masters, e a Lorraine McCarthy e a Betty Case, a Irene Martin e a Amelia Nugent, a Elizabeth Phelps, a Lucille Upton e a Esther Vaughan.
And Christina Trudell and Eleanor Hughes, Linda Lomaz, Lisa Masters, and Lorraine McCarthy and Betty Case and Irene Martin and Amelia Nugent, Elizabeth Phelps and Lucille Upton and Esther Vaughan.
Estou tão contente por não estar no concerto do Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent!
O Ted Nugent telefonou.
Ted Nugent called.
O Ted Nugent telefonou. Quer a camisa dele.
Ted Nugent called, he want his shirt back.
E eu quis-te compensar, por isso fui ter com o Max... Para arranjar bilhetes para todos nós para o concerto do Ted Nugent.
I wanted to make it up to you, so I got Max... to hook us up with Ted Nugent tickets for everybody!
It's "Ted" Nugent!
Tad Nugent.
Uh-huh. Tad Nugent.
Sabes, durante o concerto, reescrevi algumas das canções do Ted Nugent com o teu nome.
You know, during the concert, I rewrote some of Ted Nugent's songs with your name in it.
Acabas-te de comprar para ti mesma uma merda dum T-shirt do Todd Nugent.
You just bought yourself a barfy Todd Nugent T-shirt, mister!
O Ted Nugent está a olhar para mim.
Ted Nugent is looking at me.
Conheci o Ted Nugent, e consegui uma entrevista.
I actually met Ted Nugent, and I got an interview.
Eric, estás zangado comigo por ter ido aos bastidores conhecer o Ted Nugent?
Eric, you're mad at me for going backstage to meet Ted Nugent?
Era o Ted Nugent.
This was Ted Nugent.
Mas dado que Ted Nugent estava mal escrito, não era realmente contrafeito.
But since Ted Nugent was misspelled, it wasn't really counterfeit.
Estive mesmo à frente do Ted Nugent.
I was right there with Ted Nugent.
O Ted Nugent e eu estávamos aqui a pensar...
Hey, Ted Nugent and I were wondering -
Maluco da Cidade Motorizada. A porra do Ted Nugent, meu.
Like Motor City Madman, Ted Fucking Nugent, man.
Foi ver a Beth Jenkins a Marquette e ela tinha lá uns amigos, todos estudantes. Entre eles estava o tal rapaz. Chama-se Patrick Nugent.
She visited Beth Jenkins at Marquette and Beth had some friends over, all the students there and among them was this... boy, Patrick Nugent is his name.
Sr. E Sra. McNamara, apresento-lhes Pat Nugent.
Mr. and Mrs. McNamara, I'd like you to meet my friend, Pat Nugent.
Este Nugent deve um favor ao meu amigo.
This Nugent owes a favour to my mate.
Quem é o Nugent?
Now, who's Nugent?
- Um amigo do Nugent.
- A friend of Nugent's.
Eu pedi-lhe um emprego para a Fran e ele sugeriu o Nugent.
I asked him about jobs for Fran and he suggested Nugent.
Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent.

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