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Phillips translate English

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De certeza que é filha dos Phillips?
You sure this is the Phillips'kid?
Edward Phillips.
Edward Phillips.
Então estuda com o Sr. Phillips há pouco tempo.
So you've only studied with Mr. Phillips for a short time.
Foi o Phillips.
Isto foi ideia do Phillips?
Did Phillips put you up to this?
Não se trata do Phillips.
It's not about Phillips.
O Phillips telefonou para a escola que indiquei... que disse não haver um Michael Manfield.
Because Phillips called the school I put on the registration form... and they told him there was no Michael Manfield.
O Phillips sabe de mais.
Phillips knows too much.
O Sr. McGuire deseja falar com a Lorna Phillips.
- Yes? Mr. McGuire would like to see Lorna Phillips.
Menina Phillips?
Ms. Phillips?
Fala a Claire Phillips.
Hi, this is Claire Phillips.
Tom Phillips tem dedicado a sua vida a tentar descobrir o que eram exactamente essas plantas.
Tom Phillips has devoted his life to working out exactly what those plants were.
A maioria dos tecidos ainda está intacta e preservada até certo ponto.
( PHILLIPS ) Most of the tissues are still intact and preserved to some degree.
Sim, é um caule bastante invulgar.
( PHILLIPS ) It's a rather fancy stem.
Que há de especial num beco entre a Pearl e a Phillips?
Find out what's special about the alley at Pearl and Phillips.
Pearl e Phillips?
Pearl and Phillips?
Vamos à Sun Records falar com o Sam Phillips, para ver se gravamos um disco.
We're goin'over to Sun Records. We're gonna eyeball Sam Phillips, see if he can get us a deal.
- Foi ele que descobriu o Elvis.
- Sam Phillips discovered Elvis, you know.
Desculpa o Sr. Phillips não ter vindo.
Sorry Mr Phillips couldn't be here.
O que achou o Sr. Sam Phillips do grande Jerry Lee Lewis?
So, what did Mr Sam Phillips think of the great Jerry Lee Lewis?
O Sam Phillips deveria ter voltado há quatro dias.
Sam Phillips was supposed to be back four days ago.
- Está pronto, Sr. Phillips?
- Are you ready, Mr Phillips?
É o Sr. Sam Phillips.
It's Mr Sam Phillips.
Mandámos gravar um disco novo em Memphis, no mesmo estúdio, ao mesmo homem que descobriu o Elvis.
We got a brand-new record recorded today in Memphis at the same cotton-pickin'studio, by the same cotton-pickin'man that discovered Elvis, Mr Sam Phillips.
Vais encontrar-te com o Sam Phillips.
Now, you're gonna go and meet Sam Phillips.
Jay Brown e Jerry Lee Lewis. Tenemos una cita con Sam Phillips.
Jay Brown and Jerry Lee Lewis to meet Sam Phillips.
Sr. Phillips, estas mãos curam os doentes, ressuscitam os mortos e enlouquecem as raparigas.
Well, Mr Phillips, these hands can heal the sick, raise the dead, and make girls talk right out of their head.
Sim, é o meu representante, e também o meu baixo.
Uh... Yes, Mr Phillips, he's my manager. He's my bass player too.
Mas não tem que lê-lo porque confiamos em si.
But he won't have to read it cos we trust you, Mr Phillips.
Não temos nada de que nos envergonhar.
Hell, Mr Phillips, we've got nothin'to be ashamed of.
- Phillips escapou-se. - Apanha-o.
- Phillips has broken free.
No Philips Exeter, espertalhão.
Phillips Exeter, smart-ass.
A minha Phillips trabalhou tanto que pensei que a ponta iria cair.
My Phillips did so much screwing, I thought the tip would fall off.
Dr. Phillips.
Mm, Dr. Philips.
Dr. Phillips, aqui não é o lugar certo para isso.
Dr. Philips, this isn't really the place.
Dr. Phillips.
Attorney Phillips.
Sr. Phillips, quadragésimo sexto andar, as câmaras?
Mr Phillips, the 44th floor, the cameras?
Fica aqui com o Sr. Phillips.
Stay here with Mr Phillips.
Está no convés. Mas não se preocupe, aqui o Phillips diz que ele está congelado.
There isn't a confederation out there... that didn't know seaQuest was going to Alexandria.
Chamam-me Phillips porque matei o meu marido com uma chave Phillips.
I'm Phillips. They call me that'cause I killed my husband with a Phillips head screwdriver.
Não esquece de fazer o teu exercício de respiração. O Dr. Phillips sugeriu.
Don't forget to do your breathing exercises Dr Phillips suggested.
Ele referia-se à energia da vida, Sr. Phillips, que, no seu caso, não seria uma grande falha.
He was referring to life energy, Mr. Phillips which, in your case, wouldn't cause much of a power shortage.
Ricky Myers,... está preso por assassinato de Cameron Philips e como acessório do Dr. Piper e do Dr. Baker.
Ricky Meyers, you are under arrest for the murder of Cameron Phillips, and as an accessory to both the murders of Dr. Leslie Piper and Dr. Carlton Baker.
- Acabei de fazer a sua mala, Sr. Phillips.
- I finished your packing, Mr Phillips.
- Queríamos falar com o Sr. Phillips.
- We'd like a word with Mr Phillips.
E que tem a ver com o Sr. Arden e o Sr. Phillips.
I told you it had to do with Mr Arden and Mr Phillips.
O Stan Phillips está com convulsões.
Stan Phillips has gone into convulsions.
- Veja que células grandes.
( PHILLIPS ) Notice what large cells.
Jerry Lee Lewis, J. W. Brown, cumprimentem o meu irmão, Jud Phillips.
Jerry Lee Lewis, JW Brown, say hello to my brother, Jud Phillips.
- Sr. Phillips.
- Hot dog!
Sou Mrs. Phillips.
My name's Mrs. Phillips.

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