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Pistols translate English

490 parallel translation
Estive a ver umas pistolas na montra.
I was looking at some of the pistols in the window.
- Pistolas.
Quando disser um, carreguem as armas.
At the count of one, cock your pistols.
Achas que usamos pistolas de água ou quê?
What do you think we use in war, water pistols?
Vai buscar as pistolas.
Get your pistols.
Guarde as pistolas, Lady Margaret.
You can lower your pistols, Lady Margaret.
Desgraçadamente não as levo.
Unfortunately, I have no pistols.
As pistolas estao sobre a mesa.
The pistols are on the table.
Todas as armas do meu pai, as pistolas e os revólveres, foram para o museu.
All the weapons my father had, pistols or guns, went to the museum.
Metralhadoras, espingardas, pistolas...
Flak, machine guns, rifles, pistols.
Decidirei se lhe responderei com pistolas ou com um julgamento em Tribunal Militar.
I will decide whether I will answer you with pistols or a general court-martial.
Todos somos suspeitos.
We're all as hot as pistols.
Estes são os primeiros revólveres Colt de repetição neste território, xerife.
The first Colt repeating pistols in this territory, sheriff.
Eu ouvi falar muito... desses revólveres Colts de repetição, Sr. Farrel.
I heard a lot about these new Colt repeating pistols, Mr. Farrell.
O Secretário de Guerra e o Presidente Polk contratou com o Sr. Colt, 2.000 dos seus revólveres.
"The Secretary of War and the President Polk has contracted with Mr. Colt for 2000 of his pistols."
Durante a guerra com o México, estes revólveres foram os responsáveis pelas nossas vitórias, apesar de sermos menos.
During the war with Mexico, these pistols were responsible for our victories, even though we were outnumbered.
Emboscados pelos mexicanos, apesar de toda sua tropa ter sido aniliquida Foram mortos ou capturados e só o capitão Farrell escapou Abrindo o seu caminho para liberdade com um par do novo revólver Colt.
Ambushed by the Mexicans, the entire detachment was killed or captured and only Captain Farrell escaped by shooting his way to freedom with a pair of the new Colt repeating pistols. "
E não espere fazer muito com esses bonitos revólveres.
And don't figure on doing much with them fancy pistols.
- Preparem as vossas armas!
Take out those pistols.
Preciso de uma boa lâmina e de um par de pistolas para me apresentar ao Capitão Brasiliano.
I'm in need of a good blade and a brace of pistols to be charged to Captain Brasiliano.
Pistolas na mão.
Pistols in hand.
Preparai as pistolas.
Pistols ready.
Trás as pistolas.
Take the pistols.
Gage, pegue num cavalo, numas pistolas, e venha comigo!
Gage! Grab a horse and a couple of pistols and come with me.
Os dois tentaram sacar as pistolas, mas o forasteiro é rápido, muitíssimo rápido.
The two of them reach for pistols... but the new man is quick, terribly quick.
Vocês sabem quem são os assassinos.
Now, listen, you know who the pistols are.
Laura. - Pistolas.
That belongs to friends of Miss Laura's, some pistols.
Estamos encurralados e só temos duas pistolas para responder.
We're in for a siege. Got nothing to fight back with but two pistols.
- Muito medieval, Talvez 2 pistolas.
- Nothing so medieval. A brace of pistols.
- Pistolas?
- Pistols?
Têm armas?
Do you have your pistols?
Carregam pistolas com tinta e disparam-nas para a tela.
They load pistols with tubes of paint and fire them at the canvas.
Estávamos na neve, um em frente ao outro, segurando pistolas.
There we were, in the snow, facing each other with pistols.
As nossas pistolas e granadas... contra os tanques e aviões deles.
Our pistols and grenades against their tanks and airplanes.
Deixe-me ver uma daquelas pistolas.
Let me see one of those pistols.
- Belas pistolas.
- Duelling pistols.
Pistolas e café.
Ugh! Pistols and coffee.
Só vim devolver estas pistolas... diante das circunstâncias é melhor devolvê-las.
I just came to return these pistols. The major felt that you should have'em back.
Não disparo com essas pistolas há dez anos.
I haven't fired any pistols for ten years.
Rifles, escopetas, pistolas, revólveres e metralhadoras... a maioria recolhidas de sua clientela.
Rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers and machine guns most of them collected from its clientele.
Alucinaçöes de que o mundo a devorava que era violada por um homem com pistolas.
Delusions the world was devouring her that she was being raped by a man with dueling pistols.
Sei que é bom atirador, por isso escolha-se as pistolas.
I hear you're a good shot, so let's choose pistols.
Matou o adido militar de Maximiliano.
- You shot Maximilian's military attache. - You see, they were his pistols.
Um par de pistolas com cabos de madrepérola.
A matched brace of pistols with carved pearl handles.
O melhor par de pistolas de duelo algum dia fabricado!
Finest duelling pistols ever made.
Deseja usar pistolas, sabres ou espadas de duelo?
Do you wish to use pistols, sabers or rapiers?
Eles com metralhadoras e nós de mãos vazias.
They have machine pistols and we have bare hands.
Vou me limitar a carabinas, caçadeiras, pistolas e facas.
Yes. I will limit myself to rifles, shotguns, pistols and knives.
Com as pistolas que tem ali, não há lugar para a minha.
With all the pistols you got there, I don't believe there's room for mine.
Quero ver todas as suas pistolas.
I want to see all the pistols you got.
Olhe pai, pistolas.
Look, Pa, toy pistols.

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