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Poot translate English

58 parallel translation
Ei Ray Ray, vamos voltar e borrifá-lo com cerveja outra vez.
Let's swing back and spray that poot-butt again.
Leve-me às prostitutas.
Direct me to the poot, sir.
- Vá lá, Poot.
- Go ahead, Poot.
Olha para isto, Poot.
Check this, Poot.
Eh, Poot.
Yo, Poot.
Poot, está na hora?
Poot, we up yet?
Vamos, Poot.
- ( Tires screech ) - Come on, Poot.
- Poot.
- Poot.
- Poot.
- Yo, Poot.
Sabes, eu e o Poot, temos bulido sempre, tu sabes?
You know, me and Poot, we been steady working it, you know?
Yo, Poot.
Poot, agarra aquele sacana.
Poot, grab that motherfucker.
- Viva, Poot.
- Hey, Poot.
- Olá, Poot.
- Yo, Poot.
Vi o miúdo que temos lá a gerir as coisas, o Poot.
I saw that kid we got runnin'things down there - Poot.
Nem há negócio suficiente para o Poot e para a malta dele.
Ain't even enough trade for Poot and his crew.
Yo, Poot.
Topem-me só o esquema!
Poot, check it out.
Nos casos de Malik Carr, conhecido como Poot,
In the cases of Malik Carr, a.k.a. "Poot"...
Parece um "cowboy" enrabado, a andar desta maneira...
Poot be like this. He looks like a backwards-ass cowboy and shit. Instead of like this, homie, here, walking like this.
- O gajo tinha a palavra.
- What? - Poot did have the floor, man.
Pois, acredita em mim, Poot, isto é do pior.
OK, trust me, Poot, this is hard time, OK?
Todos precisam de um Poot
# Every party needs a Poot
Eu sou o Poot, e este é o meu amigo hetero, Frank.
I'm Poot, and this is my hetero life-mate, Frank.
- O Poot?
- Is Poot?
- Poot?
- Poot?
- Poot...
All right.
- Fixe.
- Poot.
Já te contei do puto, o Poot, certo?
I told you about the boy, Poot, right?
- Poot.
Sou o Poot, meu.
I'm Poot, yo.
Não estiveste preso, levaste um tiro, ou assim?
Poot, right, yeah. Didn't you get locked up or shot or something?
Ka Gae-Ru, Ma Sha-Ba... e um tal de Raj Poot.
The 13 members who committed suicide, plus Ka Gael, Ma Shaba, and someone named Raj Puhto.
Quem é este Raj Poot.
Who's this Raj Puhto guy'?
Um sniper de Classe "A" da antiga República de Seok... o Tenente Raj Poot.
A super-class-A sniper, formerly of the Seok Republic. Lieutenant Raj Puhto.
Tenho aqui o Raj Poot.
We have Raj Puhto in custody.
O Raj Poot diz que o "Mestre das Marionetas" é uma infraestrutura de raptos inserida... no sistema da Monitorização da Assistência Social.
Raj Puhto says that the Puppeteer is the name of an abduction mechanism that's built into the nursing net.
Então era isso que o Raj Poot queria dizer com "envolvimento do Governo".
That must be what Raj Puhto meant when he implied that the government was involved.
" Não me ponham ali com ele, estou inocente.
Don't poot me in there weeth him. I'm innocent.
O Camarada Pooty-Poot com os problemas na Chechénia tem pena de mim?
Comrade Pooty-Poot, with all the problems he's got in Chechnya he's got the balls to feel bad for me.
Não acho que foram gases.
I don't think it was just a poot-poot.
Estás "Amaldiçoado".
I'm gonna ask her to marry me. Ah, poot-tu-tat! You're jinxed.
Estás "Amaldiçoado".
Ah, poot-tu-tat! You're jinxed.
Olha, o avô já colocou as renas.
Hey, look. Grandpa put up Burp, Snort and Poot.
E depois o teu pai disse que precisávamos das renas.
And then, your father said, we have to remember Burp, Snort, and Poot.
Para as renas do avô.
Burp, Snort and Poot.
Bem-vindos ao teatro Rooster Poot!
Welcome to the Rooster Poot Playhouse!
Porque vens a Rooster Poot?
What brings you to Rooster Poot?
Eh, Poot.

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