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Posey translate English

78 parallel translation
É o sargento Posey?
Is that Sergeant Posey?
Sargento Posey.
Sergeant Posey?
Jesu, traz um escadote para o sargento Posey conseguir subir para cima daquele pobre animal.
Jesu, fetch a ladder so that Sergeant Posey can get up on that poor, unfortunate animal.
O sargento Posey não pode votar.
- Sergeant Posey can't vote.
Muito bem, Posey.
All right, Posey.
- Posey.
- Posey.
O sargento Posey acompanha-o até lá.
- Sergeant Posey will accompany you. - Yes, sir.
Posey ficará no comando com ordens para os trazer de volta se não regressar dentro de três dias.
Posey will remain with orders to bring them back here if you don't return in three days. - Is that clear?
- Viva, Posey.
- Hiya, Posey.
Sargento Posey!
Sergeant Posey!
Vamos, Posey.
Come on, Posey.
- Quatro, Posey.
- Four, Posey.
Posey, S.
Posey, S.
Vamos lá ver um pouco de sabedoria Apache, Posey.
Okay, Posey, let's see a little of that Apache know-how.
- Vá, Posey. Mexe-te.
- Come on, Posey.
- Posey. - Eu?
- Posey.
É só um exemplo, Posey.
Look, Posey, it's just an example.
Posey, tem uma bainha.
Posey, it's got a scabbard on it.
Diz-me, Posey, por que é que te prenderam?
Tell me, Posey, what did they lock you up for?
- O que fizeste, Posey?
- What'd you do, Posey?
Vá lá, Posey.
Come on, Posey.
Vá lá, Posey.
Come on, now, Posey.
Vai, Posey, espeta-lhe isso!
Come on, Posey.
- Dá-lhe, Posey!
- Get him, Posey!
- Dá cabo dele, Posey! Posey.
- Knock him down, Posey!
Que raio de nome te deram.
Posey. What a name for a guy like you.
Dá-lhe, Posey! Vá lá!
Give it to him, Pose!
- Vai só falar contigo, Posey.
- He's just gonna talk to you, Posey.
Para aqui, Posey!
Come on, right over here, Posey!
Quando pedi que dessem um passo, até o Posey deu.
When I asked them to step forward, even Posey joined.
- Posey, lembra-te, estás ferido.
- Posey, remember, you're hurt.
- Posey, lembra-te, estás ferido.
- Posey, remember, you're injured.
- O Posey vigia, imóvel como o bronze.
- Posey guards points five and seven.
Rápido, o Posey está em sarilhos!
Hurry it up. Posey's got trouble!
Marvin Posey, um dos meus melhores funcionários.
Marvin Posey. He's one of my best guys.
Marvin Posey, é a polícia.
Marvin Posey. NYPD.
Então, o Marty Potter é, afinal, Marvin Posey.
So Marty Potter is Marvin Posey.
Posey, o sócio de Rimbauer.
Tell us about Rimbauer's partner, Mr. Posey.
Então, em Outubro do mesmo ano, correu com Douglas Posey.
So in October of that same year he gave Douglas Posey the bum's rush.
Segundo a lenda da família, o tio Posey gostava de vaqueiros.
Steve : According to family legend, Uncle Posey had a taste for cowboys.
O meu avô nunca esqueceu Posey a atirar-lhe o chapéu.
Grand-dad never forgot Posey tossing him that Tom Mix hat.
Por que razão Posey esperou 1 ano para o fazer e o fez aqui?
Why did Posey wait a year to do it? And why here?
" Se olharem à esquerda... verão os fantasmas de April Rimbauer e Douglas Posey.
" If you look to your left, you will see the ghost of April Rimbauer and Douglas Posey.
Ouvimos a da actriz... conte-nos a de Mr. Posey, o sócio de Rimbauer.
We've heard the one about the actress tell us about Rimbauer's partner, Mr. Posey.
Então, em Outubro do mesmo ano, correu com Douglas Posey.
So in October of that same year, he gave Douglas Posey the bum's rush.
Segundo a lenda da família, o tio Posey gostava de vaqueiros.
According to family legend, Uncle Posey had a taste for cowboys.
O meu avô nunca esqueceu Posey a atirar-lhe o chapéu.
Granddad never forgot Posey tossing him that Tom Mix hat of his.
- China-me, Posey.
- Posey, stick me.
Come on, Posey!

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