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Translate.vc / Portuguese → English / Rael

Rael translate English

10 parallel translation
Tens de controlar o teu humor.
You're going to have to learn to control your temper, Rael.
Rael, não sejas assim.
Oh, Rael, don't be like that.
Rael, ele não é um de nós.
Rael, he's not one of us.
Rael, pára de amuar.
Oh, Rael, stop sulking.
Tiveste sorte, Rael.
How very fortunate for you, Rael.
Rael, não tens de te preocupar com o Capitão.
Rael, you don't have to worry about the captain.
- Espera.
Rael, wait.
Então a história do nome, Oz-rael... é tipo anarquia cruzada com Sionismo, percebes.
So the history of the name, Oz - rael it's like anarchy meets Zionism, you know. It's ironic. Oh, man.
Rael, pára.
Como o Rael.
- Like Rael.

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