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Riddick translate English

188 parallel translation
É na direcção do Riddick.
That's Riddick's direction.
Que acontece se o Sr. Riddick nos encontrar primeiro?
Yeah. What happens if Mr. Riddick spots us first?
É assim que o Riddick faz.
He could probably get you right here, right under the jaw and you'd never even hear him coming,'cause that's how good Riddick is.
Pensei que fosse o Riddick.
I thought it was Riddick.
Homicídios à parte, Riddick pertence à galeria da fama.
Look, murders aside, Riddick belongs in the asshole hall of fame.
Onde está o Riddick?
Where did Riddick go?
Talvez te deva contar como o Riddick escapou.
What is the discussion? Maybe I should tell you how Riddick escaped.
Estás-me a assustar, Riddick.
You scare me, Riddick.
Foi a minha primeira corrida com o Riddick.
That's my first run-in with Riddick.
Onde está o Riddick? Deixa-o!
Where's Riddick?
Vá lá, Riddick.
Come on, Riddick.
Sim, Riddick.
Yes, I would, Riddick.
Lá está meu Deus, Senhor Riddick.
There is my God, Mr. Riddick.
Vamos lá Riddick! Levanta-te!
Come on, Riddick!
Riddick, que estás a fazer?
Riddick, what are you doing?
Digam-lhes que o Riddick morreu.
Tell'em Riddick's dead.
Tags, estas a ver Riddick?
Tags, you got eyes on Riddick?
I give you my word, Riddick. Riddick!
Tem uma historia, Riddick. De jovems Furianos. Estrangulados ao nascer.
There is a story, Riddick, of young male Furyans... strangled at birth... strangled with their own cords.
O Riddick!
The Riddick!
Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick!
- Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick!
- Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick! Kill the Riddick!
- Matem o Riddick!
Kill the Riddick.
Aonde quer que Riddick vá, eu quero que o sigas.
Wherever Riddick has gone, you lens him out and cleanse him.
Vai caçar este Riddick.
Go after this Riddick.
Então, esse é Riddick.
So, this is Riddick.
E este aqui, este Riddick -
And this one, this Riddick guy...
E Riddick?
What of Riddick?
Se eu soubesse algo sobre o Riddick já teria te respondido.
I would have told you about Riddick for the asking.
Você mata Riddick para ele, e por fazer isso prova o sua lealdade eterna.
You cleanse Riddick for him, and in doing so... you prove your undying loyalty.
Eles escravisaram-me, Riddick.
They slaved me out, Riddick.
O que tu esperavas, Riddick?
What are you pitching, Riddick?
Riddick não foi um criador normal.
Riddick was no common breeder.
Será que eu não lhe deveria dizer que Riddick ainda está vivo..?
Shouldn't I tell you that Riddick is still alive?
Eu digo para dar essa oportunidade a Riddick.
I say give Riddick his chance.
What are you doing on Monday.
Leva o Riddick aos meus aposentos.
Have Riddick brought to my conservatory.
- Não vou sem ti, Riddick!
- I won't leave without you, Riddick!
Subestimas o valor deles, Riddick.
You underestimate their value, Riddick.
Nem sinal do Riddick.
No Riddick.
Deixa-me ver os teus olhos, Riddick.
Show me your eyes, Riddick.
Richard B. Riddick.
Richard B. Riddick.
Que foi, Riddick?
What is it, Riddick?
Riddick! Espera!

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