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Robby translate English

423 parallel translation
Para vossa conveniência, respondo ao nome "Robby".
For your convenience, I am monitored to respond to the name "Robby."
Simplesmente produtos sintéticos do Robby.
Simply some of Robby's synthetics.
Vem até aqui, Robby.
Come round here, Robby.
O Robby é apenas uma ferramenta.
Robby is simply a tool.
Robby, aponta isto àquela Althaea frutex que está no terraço.
Robby, point this thing at that Althaea frutex out there on the terrace.
Meu caro comandante, talvez me sobrestime e ao Robby.
My dear commander, maybe you overestimate both Robby and myself.
Disse ao Robby para instalar os painéis de metal antes de me aperceber como estou seguro neste local.
I had Robby install the steel shutters before I realized how altogether safe I am here.
Bem me parecia que o Robby tinha uma faceta feminina encantadora.
I thought Robby had managed some very charming feminine touches.
Afinal, näo é o Robby.
After all, you're not Robby.
Näo me importava de ser o Robby em determinadas coisas.
I wouldn't mind being Robby in certain ways.
Tenho-te a ti, ao Robby e aos meus amigos.
I have you and Robby and all my friends.
Ponho o Robby a tratar disso e estará pronto até amanhä ao meio-dia.
I'll have Robby run it off for you and you'll get it not later than tomorrow noon.
Robby, preciso dum vestido novo.
Robby, I must have a new dress.
Näo, Robby.
No, Robby.
- Obrigada, Robby.
- Thank you, Robby.
Robby, nunca vou esquecer isto.
Robby, I ain't never gonna forget this.
Robby, deixa-os entrar.
Robby, let them in.
Robby, cancelamento de emergência Arquimedes.
Robby, emergency cancellation Archimedes.
No sofá, Robby.
On the sofa, Robby.
- O Robby pode estar enganado?
- Could Robby be wrong?
Detém-no, Robby.
Stop it, Robby.
Mata-o, Robby.
Kill it, Robby.
Ele é o Robby.
This is Robby.
Olá, Jenny. Olá, Robby.
Hi, Jenny, hi, Robby.
Robby prepara-se e estamos em marcha.
Robby digs in and we're under way.
La, mas a mãe do Robby chegou a casa de mau humor.
Well, I was, but Robby's mom came home in a bad mood.
Costelas do Robby.
Oh boy, Robby's Ribs.
Eu sempre quis ser Robby o Robot.
Robby the Robot. I always wanted to be Robby the Robot.
Já está, Robby?
Is that it, Robby?
Episódio 19 "Indoor Fun With Sammy and Robby"
¶ where everybody knows your name ¶
Boa, Robby, grande melodia!
That's great, Robby, nice changes!
Robby Krieger, guitarrista.
Robby Krieger, guitar player.
Jim, Robby, este é o Chuck Vincent.
Jim, Robby, meet Chuck Vincent.
O Robby achou uma boa ideia, e o John e eu também.
Robby thought it was a good idea. So did John. So did I.
Não mexas nas drogas, Robby.
You lay off those drugs, Robby.
Ali a jogar o pool são o Robby e o Billy.
Over there playing pool is Robby and Billy.
Tudo bem, Robby.
All right, Robby.
Tenho certeza que estás, Robby Gillon. Tenho certeza que estás.
I'm sure you are, Robby Gillon.
- És o próximo, Robby.
- You're next, Robby.
E, então, continuas com essa mão Gillon e esmagas o cérebro dele!
Then you go in with that Gillon hand and crush his brain! You got that, Robby?
Robby Gillors é o seguinte e sabes o que ele é.
Robby Gillors next. You know what he's about.
Robby, preciso que faças uma coisa para mim.
Robby, I need you to do something for me.
Não me lixes nisto, Robby!
Don't fuck with me on this!
Mas, neste caso, não há desistência porque Robby nunca entrou no ringue.
But, in this case, there's no forfeit because Robby never entered the ring.
Robby, abre.
Robby...! Open up!
Eh Jimmy', parabéns, colega.
- Hey, Robby. Hey, Jimmy! Mazeltov, buddy.
Vê, o Robby aqui, ele é dono da companhia.
See, Robby here, he owns the company.
Percebeste, Robby?
You crush his brain.
Ponham o Robby aqui!
Get Robby out here!
- Somos nós.
Robby, it's us.

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