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Robertson translate English

483 parallel translation
- Robertson?
- Robertson?
Ligue-me ao Sr. Robertson.
Get me Mr. Robertson.
Sim, fala o Robertson.
Yes, this is Robertson.
Padre Logan a Sra. E o Sr. Grandfort, Sr. Robertson.
Father Logan Madame and Monsieur Grandfort, Mr. Robertson.
O Willy Robertson telefonou.
Willy Robertson just called.
Sra Robertson, asseguro-lhe que o seu marido não tem culpa.
Mrs Robertson, I can assure you that no blame will attach itself to your husband.
Lady Robertson.
Lady Robertson.
O seu nome é Margaret Robins.
Her name's Margaret Robertson. I got the photograph on me.
A minha infância, passei-a na companhia da Sra. Fiske, do Forbes-Robertson, do Modjeska.
My early years were spent in the company of Mrs Fiske, Forbes-Robertson, Modjeska.
Nunca ouvi falar do Forbes-Robertson. Amanhã vou lá voltar ao serão, para ouvir o resto.
I'm going to go over there again tomorrow night and hear some more.
Robertson, o seu antecessor, um bibliotecário excelente, atacou três pessoas na semana passada e teve de ser abatido.
Mr. Robertson, your predecessor, an excellent librarian savaged three people last week and had to be destroyed.
- O Robertson. - O Wilkins.
- Não, era o Robertson.
- No, that was Robertson.
- Era o Robertson.
- It was Robertson.
- Tenho ordens do Dr. Robertson, Conselheiro do Presidente...
My orders come from Dr. Robertson, the president's science advisor in Washington.
- Recebemos uma ligação do Dr. Robertson, Casa Branca...
There's just been a call from a Dr. Robertson at the White House.
- Ele não decide assim, Dr Robertson!
He doesn't jump into things, Dr. Robertson.
- Sim, mas Dr Stone e Dr Robertson garantiram que o Wildfire...
Yes, sir, I was, but Dr. Stone and Dr. Robertson assured the president.
- Nada do Dr. Robertson, tem certeza?
Nothing from Dr. Robertson? Are you sure, Sergeant?
- "Estudos confirmam a Hipótese de Robertson que um solteiro decidirá sobre autodestruição..."
"Results of testing confirm the Robertson Odd Man Hypothesis : That an unmarried male should carry out command decisions involving thermonuclear destruct contexts."
Só um minuto, Dr. Robertson.
Just a minute, Dr. Robertson.
Chame-me o Dr. Robertson.
Put me through to Dr. Robertson.
Stone para Delta 5. Me ligue com Robertson imediatamente.
Put me through to Robertson immediately.
- Sr. Robertson?
- Mr Robertson?
Robertson Canyon, a norte.
Robertson Canyon, headed north.
- Vim com o Coronel Robertson.
I come with Colonel Robertson, sir.
Uma montanha enorme caiu em cima de todos.
Large mountain is falling on the heads of Colonel Robertson and others.
Meu nome é Robertson. David Robertson.
My name's Robertson, David Robertson.
- Robertson.
- Robertson.
O que fazemos com ele, Sr. Robertson?
What can we do with him, Mr. Robertson?
Sr. Robertson.
Mr. Robertson.
- Sr. Robertson.
- Mr. Robertson.
Ele está morto, Sr. Robertson.
He's dead, Mr. Robertson.
Sr. Robertson?
Mr. Robertson?
Sr. Robertson?
Mr. Robertson.
Somos muito gratos pela ajuda, Sr. Robertson.
We are very grateful for your help, Mr. Robertson.
Aqui está a primeira parcela, Sr. Robertson.
Here's the first installment, Mr. Robertson.
Ouvi falar muito sobre você, Sr. Robertson.
I have heard a lot about you, Mr. Robertson.
Sr. Robertson.
This is Mr. Robertson.
Meu nome é Robertson.
My name is Robertson.
Perguntaram se conheço um tal de Robertson.
They asked if I knew someone called Robertson.
Talvez tenha encontrado Robertson.
He may have found Robertson.
Podemos lhe dar outro carro, Sr. Robertson?
Can we give you another car, Mr. Robertson?
A propósito, Sr. Robertson.
Oh, by the way, Mr. Robertson.
Certeza absoluta, Sr. Robertson.
I'm quite sure, Mr. Robertson.
- Desculpe a intromissão... mas soube que é amiga de David Robertson.
- I'm sorry to intrude like this but I understand you're a friend of David Robertson.
- David Robertson.
- David Robertson.
Aquele homem procurava David Robertson.
That man said he was looking for David Robertson.
Não, era o Robertson.
Oh, no, that was Robertson.
- O Robertson.

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