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Rosewood translate English

443 parallel translation
Tenho um caixão de mogno lá fora.
I got a rosewood casket out there...
Sim, é este mesmo.
That's it. That's it. Rosewood, you see.
Pau-rosa, mogno, teca?
Rosewood, mahogany, teak?
Agora, este é madeira de Teca, de roseira, de Olmo
Now, this is teakwood, rosewood, willow wood,
Sargento Taggart. O meu colega, Detective Rosewood.
I'm Sergeant Taggart and this is my partner, Detective Rosewood.
Rosewood, leve o Sr. Foley ao tribunal, ele que trate da fiança.
Rosewood, take Mr Foley over to the courthouse and let him arrange for bail.
Que comeu, Rosewood?
And what did you have, Rosewood?
Que pintarola, Rosewood.
Way to go, Rosewood. You're some cop.
Podem-me explicar o que faziam os dois num bar de striptease fora da nossa jurisdição, e de serviço?
Would you explain why you and Rosewood were in a strip bar out of our jurisdiction while you were on duty?
É Rosewood, Chefe.
It's Rosewood, sir.
Rosewood, leve o Detective Foley ao quarto de hotel dele, verifique que ele faz a mala e acompanhe-o aos limites da cidade.
Rosewood, take Detective Foley back to his hotel room, watch him pack, and escort him to the city limits.
Um compincha meu, o Billy Rosewood.
This is my buddy Billy Rosewood.
Vai buscar o Rosewood.
Go get Rosewood.
O Rosewood já voltou?
Is Rosewood back?
Tente localizar o Taggart e o Rosewood.
Try to locate Taggart and Rosewood.
Rosewood, por que não está ele algemado?
How come he isn't wearing cuffs?
Os Detectives Foley e Rosewood dirigiram-se ao armazém, onde o Rosewood descobriu cerca de 80 quilos de cocaína.
Detectives Foley and Rosewood proceeded to the warehouse where Rosewood discovered approximately 80 kilos of cocaine.
O Rosewood pediu apoio imediatamente, e eu despachei os agentes.
Rosewood called for back-up and I despatched our officers.
Suspeitando dum crime, o Taggart juntou-se ao Rosewood, estando o Detective Foley presente apenas como observador, e entraram no local.
Believing a felony was in progress, Sergeant Taggart joined Rosewood, with Detective Foley present only as an observer, and proceeded to enter the grounds.
É pau-rosa.
It's rosewood.
Dê um soco na vista ao Rosewood e uma palmada na careca ao Taggard.
Oh, listen, punch Rosewood in his eye and slap Taggart in his bald-ass head for me.
Mandou o Rosewood fazê-lo?
Did you order this Rosewood to do that?
Encorajei os meus homens a agirem assim e apoio o Rosewood. Óptimo!
I've encouraged this in my men and I'm standing behind Rosewood on this all the way.
- Caluda, Rosewood.
- Chief, this is... - Shut up, Rosewood!
- De certeza que tens cá cola forte?
Are you sure you got super glue in this house, Rosewood?
Clint Eastwood?
Dirty Rosewood?
Que tal, Rosewood?
What about that, Rosewood?
Vai vender a mesa de Jacarandá?
You're also selling the rosewood table?
Olá, procuro o Billy Rosewood.
Hello, I'm looking for Billy Rosewood.
Qual é o botão para o Billy Rosewood?
Which button for Billy Rosewood?
Rosewood... em casa?
Monsieur Rosewood? In the house?
" Le Rosewood.
Le Rosewood.
Moi le Rosewood. "
Moi le Rosewood.
- William Rosewood, VDO-COISC.
- William Rosewood, DDO-JSIOC.
- Lembras-te do Billy Rosewood.
- You remember Billy Rosewood.
- Billy Rosewood. É o Axel Foley.
- Billy, Axel calling.
O nome é Louco Bill Rosewood.
Name's Wild Bill Rosewood.
- 8833 Rosewood, West Hollywood.
- 8833 Rosewood, West Hollywood.
Ele pode ter vindo para Rosewood.
He might have headed for Rosewood.
Bem, acho que a Sarah, vê este lugar como o céu na terra.
Well, Aunt Sarah think Rosewood colored folks'heaven on earth.
Já viu um lugar como o Sumner, Sr. Mann?
You ever seen a place like Rosewood, Mr. Mann?
Conheço pouco além de Rosewood,
Shoot, I ain't been nowhere but Rosewood,
Talvez... Estivesse procurando Rosewood
Maybe... I was looking for Rosewood.
Temos aqui 5 hectares em Rosewood... adjacente à loja do Mr. Johnny Wright... Será vendida a'cash'como está.
We gots here 5 acres in Rosewood... adjacent to Mr. Johnny Wright's store- - sold as is, cash only.
Quem pensa que é, o dono de Rosewood?
You the massa of Rosewood, huh?
Eu estive em Rosewood uma noite... eles pediram-me para ficar.
I been in Rosewood one night... they asking me to stay.
Nasci e cresci em Rosewood.
Now, I was born and raised in Rosewood.
Causámos estas mortes! e ainda não apanhámos o seu negro!
Half of Rosewood's dead, and they ain't caught your nigger yet!
Que a correnteza...
That flows... Y'all hear what happened in Rosewood?
Ouviram o que aconteceu em Rosewood? Um rapaz de cor matou quatro homens brancos... e violou três mulheres brancas.
A colored boy killed four white men... and raped three white women.
Rosewood, arranja um carro!
Rosewood, get some wheels.

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