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Rowe translate English

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O Bob Rowe, o Bill Weidemeyer e o Jeff York.
Oh, like Bob Rowe, Bill Weidemeyer, and Jeff York.
- Fala o Tenente Rowe.
- Lieutenant Rowe here.
Fala o Tenente Rowe.
Lieutenant Rowe.
- Rowe.
- Rowe.
Senhoras e senhores, sou Arnold Rowe, o vosso locutor na quarta corrida.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Arnold Rowe, your caller for the fourth race.
Daqui é Arnold Rowe, locutor da terceira corrida, em Riverside.
This is Arnold Rowe calling the third race at Riverside.
Vamos tomar um chá, Sra. Rowe.
It's the hοuse my father had all thοse years agο.
- Avenida Rowe.
- I'm at Rowe Blvd.
Lisa Rowe.
Lisa Rowe.
" Lisa Rowe.
" " Lisa Rowe.
Paul, a profecia do Coven Rowe.
Paul, the prophecy of the Rowe Coven.
Testemunha, uma freira, viu alguém a fugir da cena.
Got an eyewitness. A nun. Saw someone she ID'd as Brendan Rowe run from the scene.
Aparentemente o Sr. Rowe vive nos aposentos atrás da igreja.
Apparently Mr Rowe lives in the rectory behind the church.
Descendente duma antiga linha de demonios, que quer formar o Rowe.
Descended from an ancient warlock line, intent on furthering the Rowe Coven.
E com isso, evitar que o grupo Rowe se forme.
And with it, keep the Rowe Coven from ever being.
Esse rapaz, Brendan Rowe, era um deles? Não.
Was this guy, Brendan Rowe, was he one of them?
Ela identificou o Brendan Rowe? Sim.
- She ID Brendan Rowe?
Vou esquecer que te posso colocar numa cena de crime se me disseres onde posso encontrar o Brendan Rowe.
I'm gonna forget that I can place you at the scene of a crime. If you tell me where I can find Brendan Rowe.
Consigo colocar Brendan Rowe nas duas cenas do crime...
Now, I can place Brendan Rowe at both scenes of the crime.
Para completar o grupo Rowe... precisas de sacrificar uma bruxa.
To complete the Rowe Coven you need to sacrifice a witch.
Queres saber o que diz o Livro sobre o grupo Rowe?
Wanna know what the Book of Shadows says about the Rowe Coven?
E ele disse que quem o atacou não foi o Brendan Rowe, foram os irmãos dele.
And he said it wasn't Brendan Rowe who attacked him, it was his brothers.
George Rowe. Olha as assinaturas.
Look at the signatures.
Sr. Rowe, abra.
Mr. Rowe, open up.
George Rowe?
George Rowe?
Mr. Rowe.
Mister Rowe.!
Primeiro, vamos provar que você matou George Rowe para conseguir o crachá.
First, we're gonna prove that you killed George Rowe to get his security pass.
São os cabos John Halley e Raymond Rowe e o soldado Herman Hernandez.
They are Lance Corporals John Halley and Raymond Rowe and Private First Class Herman Hernandez.
- Diane Halley e a filha de três anos, Esteban e Louisa Hernandez, e Martha Rowe.
- Diane Halley and their 3-year-old Esteban and Louisa Hernandez, and Martha Rowe.
- Mrs. Rowe?
- Mrs. Rowe?
Desculpe, Mrs. Rowe, não compreendo.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Rowe, I don't follow.
Cabos Halley e Rowe e soldado Hernandez a bordo de Zeus quatro-um.
Lance Corporals Halley and Rowe and PFC Hernandez onboard Zeus four-one.
- Eles estão bem, Mrs. Rowe.
- The boys are fine, Mrs. Rowe.
Kia Rowe, 19 anos.
Kia Rowe. 19.
A Kia Rowe era nova na cidade.
Kia Rowe was fresh to the city.
As substâncias debaixo das unhas da Kia Rowe não eram de um atacante.
Substances under Kia Rowe's fingernails were not from an attacker.
O sangue é da Kia Rowe.
Blood came from Kia Rowe.
Alguma relação com a Kia Rowe?
Any connection to Kia Rowe?
A pele debaixo das unhas do Harold Claven e a unha encontrada na Kia Rowe.
Skin under Harold Claven's nails, a fingernail found on Kia Rowe.
E bateu na Kia Rowe mas ela não lhe fez nada.
And you beat Kia Rowe, she didn't do a thing to you.
Você podia odiar a sua vida, Sr.ª Claven, mas a Kia Rowe amava a dela e você tirou-lhe isso.
Well, you might have hated your life, Mrs. Claven, but Kia Rowe loved hers, and you took that from her.
Meu nome é Sally Rowe.
My name's Sally Rowe.
Doutora, é melhor que venha.
Dr. Rowe, I think you'd better come.
Não acho que seja a hora nem o lugar... então, com licença.
I don't think this is the time or the place, Miss Rowe. So, if you'll excuse me.
O que quer, Srta. Rowe?
What is it that you want, Miss Rowe?
Alan Rowe.
Alan Rowe.
Sr. Rowe!
Mr. Rowe!
Bom, este segurança.
- Well, this-this security guard. George Rowe.
- Encontrei o George Rowe.
Kill it.!
Isso é importante para você?
Are you a religious woman, Ms. Rowe? Is that important to you?
Meu nome é Sally Row.
I'm Sally Rowe.

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