/ Portuguese → English / Roí
Roí translate English
14 parallel translation
Não roí a corda, demoraram-me no trabalho.
I didn't stand you up. Somebody at work got ahold on me.
Num dia mau, roí ossos mais duros de roer do que tu.
On a bad day, I've cracked tougher nuts than you.
Eu sei que ela roí as unhas, e sei que ela tem uma tatuagem.
I know that she bites her nails, and i know that she has a tattoo.
Como daquela vez que roí uma extensão ligada à corrente.
Like the time I chewed the extension cord and it was plugged in.
- Até roí o teu iPod. - Tu fizeste o quê?
- I even chewed up your iPod.
Roí-te, Chip.
Eat my ass, Chip.
- Porque roí as unhas?
Because she chews her nails?
No último dia, roí a corda durante horas.
The last day, I chewed on that rope for hours.
Ele está fora e eu roí a trela.
Well, he left town and I chewed through it.
Roí estes dedos, antes que as frieiras gangrenassem.
I chewed these fingers off before the frostbite could turn to gangrene.
- Roí as unhas.
You bite you nails.
Roí as unhas.
I bit my fingernails off.
Ela roí pouco a pouco um eclipse total
It gnawed away, bit by bit.. total eclipse!
Acho que as roí.
- I think he chewed them.