/ Portuguese → English / Sabía
Sabía translate English
95 parallel translation
Ja sabía que esquecia algo.
I knew we'd forget something.
Tem esquecido tudo o que sabía sobre barcos.
Forgot all he ever knew about sailing a ship.
- Sabía? - Com grelos por cima.
- And turnip tops.
E embora os sinos da Igreja tocassem e as lojas estivessem fechadas... e de não haver ninguém na praça, ele sabía que esse dia não era domingo.
And although the church bell was sounding... and all the little shops were closed... and there was no one in the square, he knew... this was not a Sunday.
- Meu senhor, não sabía.
My lord, I didn't know.
"Sabía que era um vencedor"
# I knew that I was a winner
- Porque não me disseste nada? - Não o sabía.
- Why didn't you tell me?
Sabía que assim seria...
I knew it would be.
Não sabía se estava apaixonado ou se estava com varíola.
I don't know, I was either in love or I had small pox.
Não sabía nada, não podía saber.
I did not know. I could not know.
Sabía que tinhas que estar por aqui.
I knew it had to be there.
Sabía disso?
Did you know that?
Sim, sabía que o ias encontrar.
Yeah, I knew you would.
Até me comprou uma viola porque sabía que eu não podería a tocar.
He even bought me that guitar'cause he was sure I'd never learn to play it.
Simplesmente não o sabía.
I just didn't know.
Não sabía que a gente da sua idade- -
I didn't think people your age ‒
Na página 30 já sabía quem era o assassino.
I knew on Page 30 who the killer was.
Eu bem sabía que não devia vir.
I shouldn't have come.
Eu sabía.
I knew it!
Estão 25 milhões de pessoas a vêr, sabía?
"We are proud to present" is watched by 25 million people!
- Não sabía que você estava a olhar.
- I didn't know you were peeping.
Se sabía que ficavam assím, podia comprar algo que combinara. Aqui.
If I knew these blotches would turn purple I'd have bought some bags to match.
Sabía que eras um aproveitador.
Figures you'd be a mooch.
veja. Sabía que as camisinhas são gratis no hotel?
Hey, did you know that hotels give out free condoms?
Sabía que essa pequena castradora era menor de idade?
Did you know the little dick-chomper was under age?
Eu sabía sempre que era ele.
I always knew it was him.
Sabía que me horrorízava pensar nelas sequer.
He knew I couldn't abide even the idea of them.
- Quería ter ligado mais cedo mas não sabía o que dizer.
I wanted to call earlier but I didn't know what to say.
Não sabía que tinha um irmão.
I didn't know you had a brother.
Sabia que Francis não nos deixaria até ter a carta... e eu sabía que você iria nos entregar.
They have a fake letter. I knew Francis wouldn't leave us alone without getting something and I knew you'd give it away.
Mãe, sabía que eu estive perto de morrer?
Mom, did you know that I almost died?
Sabía que voltarias a casa.
I knew you'd come home.
Quando olho para ti e tu para mim, sabía que eras ela, sabía que eras a minha Angeline.
How could you not? When I looked at you and you looked at me, I knew it was she.
Nem eu sabía.
Neither did I.
Sabía que um homem solitário não teria hipóteses.
He knew a man alone ain't got a chance.
Loved by the Buffalo sabía que uma visão de Wakan Tanka poderia mudar o seu percurso de vida.
Loved by the Buffalo knew that a vision from Wakan Tanka would direct the course of his life,
Sabía minha mãe que podemos escolher o desenho que queremos. e com o auxilio dos dedos e da agulha fazem a imagem tal como você a vê.
Imagine, my dear, you can come up with any pattern and their hands will exactly repeat it on the fabric!
Sabía que dirías isso...
I just knew you'd say that,
O sabía, te has enamorado dele.
I know it, You've fallen for him.
Sabía que dirías isso.
I know you'd say that.
Não sabía que eras uma princesa.
I didn't know your were our princess,
O que Henry nega na parte número 7, afirmando que não sabía nada e que os húngaros só estavam interessados na sua reinterpretação de "O casamento entre o céu e o inferno", de Blake, e em algumas das suas experiências químicas.
Which later, here, in part 7, Henry denies, claiming he knew nothing about it and that the Hungarians were only interested in his radical re-interpretation... of Blake's Marriage Of Heaven And Hell and, it seems certain of his chemistry experiments.
Sabía que irias ser boa comigo.
I knew you would be good.
Já sabía.
I just knew it.
Sabía que podía contar contigo, querida!
I knew I could count on you, darling!
O bastardo enrola-se com ela, eu sabía!
Bastard's doing her, I know it!
Ela sabía que ias fazer trapaças.
She knew you'd cover yourself.
Não sabía o que significava "italianito" em chinês.
I didn't realize it was the Chinese word for Guido.
Já sabía.
I knew it. I just knew it.
Não sabía que me fazia falta.
I didn't realize I needed it.
Ele próprio sabía-o.
Gino knew that himself.