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Sherwood translate English

346 parallel translation
Matou um veado real na floresta de Sherwood, hoje.
Oh, nothing less than killing a royal deer in Sherwood Forest today.
No carvalho dos enforcamentos, em Sherwood, amanhä.
The Gallows Oaks in Sherwood tomorrow.
O Robin. No carvalho dos enforcamentos.
Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows Oaks.
O Robin... no carvalho dos enforcamentos.
Meet Robin in Sherwood at Gallows Oaks.
O Robin... em Sherwood.
Robin in Sherwood.
Só metade dos veados de Sherwood encheriam esta caverna.
It would take half the deer in Sherwood Forest to fill that cavern.
- Quando chega a Sherwood?
- When does he enter Sherwood?
Isto é Sherwood e o Robin...
Well, this is Sherwood, you know, and Robin Hood- -
Bem-vinda a Sherwood, senhora.
Welcome to Sherwood, my lady.
Alteza, eu podia chefiar um exército e cercar Sherwood.
Your Highness, sir, I could muster an army and surround Sherwood.
Conhece Sherwood bem.
Knows Sherwood's hidden paths well.
- Godfrey de Sherwood, Alteza.
- Godfrey of Sherwood, Your Highness.
- Para Sherwood?
- To Sherwood?
Lembrais-vos do dia na floresta?
You remember that day in Sherwood Forest?
- O Rei Ricardo está em Sherwood!
- King Richard's in England. In Sherwood!
De pé, homens de Sherwood.
Rise, men of Sherwood.
- Homens de Sherwood!
- Men of Sherwood!
Há. Um perdäo para os homens de Sherwood.
Yes, Your Majesty, a pardon for the men of Sherwood.
Erguei-vos, Robin, Baräo de Locksley, Conde de Sherwood e Nottingham e senhor das terras e mansöes a includas.
Arise, Robin, Baron of Locksley, Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham... ... and lord of all the lands and manors appertaining thereto.
- Sou da Agência da Menina Sherwood. - Sim.
- I'm from Miss Sherwood's Agency.
A Menina Sherwood falou-lhe no salário?
Miss Sherwood spoke to you about salary?
Achas que Miller ou Sherwood aturavam o que eu aturo de ti?
You think Miller or Sherwood would stand for the nonsense I take from you?
- Olá, Mr. Sherwood.
- Hello, Mr. Sherwood.
Obrigado, Mr. Sherwood.
Thanks, Mr. Sherwood.
Oh, Mr. Sherwood!
Oh, Mr. Sherwood!
O xerife maldito da floresta de Sherwood?
The ruddy Sheriff of Sherwood Forest?
Esta é a história do que realmente aconteceu na floresta de Sherwood.
It's the story of what really happened in Sherwood Forest.
Aposto que irrompe pelos portões, luta com os guardas, Salva-a e leva-a para a floresta de Sherwood.
I bet he'll storm the castle gates, fight the guards, rescue you and drag you off to Sherwood Forest.
Agora tens de arrastar a donzela para a floresta de Sherwood.
This is the part where you drag your lady fair off to Sherwood Forest.
Estamos na floresta de Sherwood?
So this is Sherwood Forest.
Vamos! Para a floresta de Sherwood!
On to Sherwood Forest!
Tomava-o por um grande rei... quando roubávamos abades em Sherwood e dávamos aos pobres.
I took him for a great king when we were robbing abbots, giving pennies to the poor.
Trazê-lo, de Sherwood?
Bring him back from Sherwood?
Da próxima vez que vieres a Sherwood, mantém a viseira para baixo.
Next time you ride into Sherwood, keep your visor down.
Em Sherwood não.
Not in Sherwood.
O Robin voltou a Sherwood, disse eu.
Robin's back in Sherwood, I said.
Está de volta a Sherwood.
He's back in Sherwood.
A Sherwood?
You seen Sherwood?
É o dono disto com o Sherwood Cryer.
He owns this place with Sherwood Cryer.
- É o novo brinquedo do Sherwood.
- That's Sherwood's new play toy.
O Sherwood despediu-o porque ele magoou demasiada gente.
Sherwood fired his ass cos he's hurtin'too many people.
Bem-vinda a Sherwood, minha senhora.
Welcome to Sherwood, milady. What, Sir Guy?
Chamam-lhe o rei de Sherwood. É um rebelde perigoso.
They call him the king of Sherwood.
Se Robin Hood quer pregar partidas em Sherwood... e servir a Herne, o caçador, ou qualquer outro impostor...
If Robin Hood wants to drive around in Sherwood... Herne and would serve, or'n other imposter... let him then.
Vim para Sherwood porque te amo.
I came to Sherwood because I love you.
- Levas meus homens a Sherwood.
- Bring our men in Sherwood.
Em Sherwood?
In Sherwood?
Levaremos um exército para dentro de Sherwood.
We draw an army Sherwood inside.
- Devo ficar em Sherwood. - Com um fora-da-lei?
I had to remain in Sherwood.
- Temos que continuar em Sherwood.
We must continue to Sherwood.

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