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Smalls translate English

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Até à sua pequena beleza.
That's right, down to your smalls. Don't be shy.
O Smalls também e o CJ...
Smalls had a couple and CJ....
O Smalls nem vê uma bola que lhe vem parar à luva.
Smalls couldn't even see a ball go right in his glove.
Nem pensar.
Hell no, Smalls.
Eu e o Smalls estávamos de guarda.
Smalls and I had guard duty.
Abram os cacifos.
Open those footlockers. Come on, Smalls.
Eu vi alguém, a sério.
Smalls, I saw somebody, really.
O Peterson e o Smalls.
Peterson and Smalls.
Encontràmos o Wilkie, mas ainda näo localizàmos o Peterson e o Smalls.
We found Wilkie, but we haven't located Peterson and Smalls yet.
Depois, ou andava sozino ou com o Smalls.
Afterwards, he kept to himself or with Smalls.
O soldado Smalls, tal como pediu.
Private Smalls, as you requested, sir.
Soldado Anthony Smalls.
Private Anthony Smalls, sir.
Disse-me : " Ouve...
"Listen, Smalls," he said.
Està a tentar gozar comigo?
Are you trying to make a fool out of me, Smalls?
Olha quem està bêbado que nem um cacho.
Smalls, look who's drunk on his ass.
Algumas pessoas...
Smalls, some people....
. É justiça.
- It's justice, Smalls.
Como estão?
- How ya doin'? Derek Smalls.
No baixo, Derek Smalls.
On the bass - Derek Smalls.
Sra. Fox, eu sou o Capitão Smalls.
Mrs. Fox, I'm Captain Smalls.
- Smalls.
- Smalls.
Leonard Smalls.
Leonard Smalls.
O Smalls, primeiro, tire lá os pés de cima da mobília.
Smalls, first off, get your damn feet off my furniture.
- Estão feitos com o Smalls?
- You in with Smalls?
- Sr. Smalls, boa noite.
- Mr Smalls, good evening. - My man.
É o Tommy Smalls.
That's Tommy Smalls.
Sei que ele é o Smalls. Mas quem é a miúda lindíssima que o acompanha?
I know that's Smalls, but who's that girl with him?
- Tommy Smalls.
- Tommy Smalls.
Curtis, arranja uma boa mesa para o grupo do Sr. Smalls.
Curtis! Get Mr Smalls and his party one of our best tables.
O Smalls anda a meter dinheiro ao bolso.
Smalls is skimming off the top.
O Smalls não faria isso.
Smalls wouldn't do that.
Tu é que arranjaste o Tommy Smalls.
About Tommy Smalls.
Quero que trates do Smalls o mais depressa possível.
I want you to take care of Smalls as soon as possible.
- E quanto ao Tommy Smalls?
- What's with Tommy Smalls?
O Smalls e um chui aparecem e nós fazemos as malas?
Smalls comes here and a cop visits the apartment. So we pack up?
Não receio o Smalls nem o Calhoune.
I ain't afraid of Smalls or Calhoune.
Ela convenceu o Smalls a trazê-la, de forma a poder conhecer-me.
She made Smalls bring her here so she could meet me.
Amanhã, quero que vás falar com o Tommy Smalls.
You might want to talk to Tommy Smalls tomorrow.
- Achas que ele é assim tão estúpido?
- You think Smalls is that stupid?
- De certeza que o Smalls está?
- Is Smalls up there?
Hey, Smalls.
- Incriminaram-me da morte do Smalls.
- Smalls'people think I fingered Smalls.
E ali está ela, em trajos menores, para todos verem! - Tu!
There she stands in her smalls for all the world to see.
Sr. Smalls.
Mr. Smalls.
Mas para isso, tínhamos de tratar do Ronnie SmaIIs.
But to do that, we had to take care of Ronnie Smalls.
O tipo só pensa na Darian Smalls.
All he ever thinks about is Darian Smalls.
- Tu és a Darian Smalls? - Sim, sou eu.
Say, didn't you used to be Darian Smalls?
- Que estranho vires sozinha.
- That's weird. Darian Smalls alone.

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