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Stillwater translate English

103 parallel translation
- Vão para a prisão de Stillwater.
We're taking them up to Stillwater Penitentiary.
- Foi levar uns prisioneiros... - à prisão do estado.
He's taking a bunch of tramps up to Stillwater Penitentiary.
As pessoas de Minnesota o aclamaram até às portas da prisão... de Stillwater onde esteve preso durante 25 anos.
The people of Minnesota cheered him all the way to the gates of Stillwater Penitentiary, where they locked him up for 25 years.
Por te ajudar no saloon do Stillwater, no último Outono... por te salvar do Rabbit Owen te morder a orelha... e por te aturar durante mais tempo do que devia.
For coldcocking you over at Stillwater's saloon last fall and saving you from Rabbit Owen's biting off your ear and from just putting up with you for a hell of a lot longer than I ought to.
- Foste mandado para o Sr. Stillwater?
- Did you get sent to Mr Stillwater?
la parar outra vez à prisão.
Would end you up back in Stillwater.
Queres ferrar comigo na choça, meu idiota de merda.
Put me back in Stillwater, you little fucking shithead.
A 12 de Agosto, na Prisão Federal de Stillwater, a sua sentença será levada a cabo.
On August 12, at Stillwater Federal Prison you shall have your sentence carried out.
É Stillwater!
It's Stillwater!
Eu entrei com os Stillwater.
I got in with Stillwater.
Oh, Stillwater.
- E os Stillwater?
- How about Stillwater?
- Stillwater?
- Stillwater?
Não o faças para travar amizade com pessoas que querem servir-se de ti para satisfazerem os seus desejos de grandeza para glorificar estrelas que nada valem.
Don't do it to make friends with people who are trying to use you to further the big-business desire to glorify worthless rock stars like Stillwater.
- Stillwater.
- Stillwater.
A banda chama-se Stillwater.
The band is Stillwater.
Qual é o teu papel, nos Stillwater?
What is your role in Stillwater?
És o Russell dos Stillwater.
You're Russell from Stillwater.
Sim, nos meus dias melhores, sou o Russell dos Stillwater.
Well, yeah, on my better days I am Russell from Stillwater.
- São os Stillwater!
- It's Stillwater!
Bem-vindos ao Swingo's. Devem ser os Stillwater.
Hi, welcome to Swingo's. You must be Stillwater.
O Jeff e o Russell são os principais membros da banda mas o verdadeiro fã dos Stillwater sabe que a pureza, o centro dos Stillwater, é o Ed Vallencourt.
Jeff and Russell are the band's figureheads but the true Stillwater fan knows that the purity, the core of Stillwater, comes from Ed Vallencourt.
Sou o guitarrista dos Stillwater.
I play guitar in Stillwater.
De Troy, Michigan dêem as boas-vindas a Cleveland aos Stillwater!
From Troy, Michigan would you please welcome to Cleveland Stillwater!
Na altura dos homicídios O Toby Wadenah estava na penitenciária de Stillwater cumprindo pena devido à sua condenação por violação.
At the time of the murders Toby Wadenah was in Stillwater Penitentiary doing time on his own rape conviction.
É o responsável de pessoal na Stillwater Security.
he's the head of personnel at stillwater security.
Sabes Mac, aquela urna à porta de entrada? A que comprei em Stillwater?
Mac, you know that nice urn by the front door, the one I got up in Stillwater?
Por vezes temos de permanecer imóveis por mais de 8 horas.
Take float fishing, for example, for stillwater tench.
O melhor de Stillwater.
Best in Stillwater.
Maior que Stillwater.
Bigger than Stillwater.
É natural de Stillwater, Pennsylvania?
Were you born in Stillwater, Pennsylvania?
Quando isto acabar, porque não vens a Stillwater comigo e ajudas-me a consertar a loja?
When this is over, why don't you come back to Stillwater with me, help me fix up the store?
Num parque de camiões em Stillwater.
At a truck stop in Stillwater.
Stillwater! Hey! Hey!
Em Stillwater Marsh, no Texas...
Stillwater Marsh!
Já ouviu falar de Stillwater Marsh ou da Rua Deacon?
Have you ever heard of a Stillwater Marsh or a Deacon's Tree?
Stillwater Marsh... sim, já ouvi falar. Mas não é no Texas.
Stillwater Marsh, yeah, I've heard of it, but it ain't in Texas.
Stillwater é no Louisiana.
Stillwater is in Louisiana.
- Nada disso... Stillwater é uma prisão.
Honey, Stillwater is a prison.
A penitenciária Stillwater foi fechada há anos atrás.
Stillwater Marsh Penitentiary shut down ages ago.
A poucos minutos para terminarmos o programa temos um jovem na linha, de Stillwater a minha cidade Natal que fica logo após a ponte.
And with only a few minutes left tonight, we have a young man on the line from Stillwater, my old hometown just across the bridge.
Olá, Stillwater. Está no ar com a Dra. Sonny Blake.
Hello, Stillwater, you are on the air with Dr. Sonny Blake.
Stillwater, está aí?
Stillwater, are you there?
Ele sabe que é a única estrada da cidade para Stillwater.
He knows this is the only road into Stillwater from the city.
É a polícia de Stillwater! - Senhor Tanner?
Stillwater P. D. Mr. Tanner?
Coldwater Canyon - perto do Greenleaf.
Stillwater Canyon, near Greenleaf.
Alguns amigos dele, uma mulher chamada May Stillwater procurava pela filha desaparecida.
Some friend of his, a woman named May Stillwater, was looking for her missing daughter.
Fala o Quince...
It's Quince with Stillwater, here, live. It's the Night Circus.

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