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Techcrunch translate English

35 parallel translation
Wired Magazine, TechCrunch e muito mais média concordam.
Wired Magazine, TechCrunch, and a whole mess of other media agree.
Estás a ler isso no TechCrunch, não estás?
You're reading this off of TechCrunch, aren't you?
Ele falou com o TechCrunch, Recode e PandoDaily
He had TechCrunch, Recode, and PandoDaily.
Filha-da puta da TechCrunch Disrupt.
TechCrunch motherfucking Disrupt.
- Um vídeo grátis de ti na TechCrunch Disrupt.
-... a free video of you
- Não, obrigado.
- at TechCrunch Disrupt. - Uh, no thank you.
Recebi um SMS de um amigo da TechCrunch.
I just got a text from my friend at TechCrunch.
Porque ia ele entrar na competição da TechCrunch?
Why would he enter Pied Piper in TechCrunch Disrupt?
Eu vi que o "Pied piper" está no Batalhas de Novatos, na competição do TechCrunch.
I saw that Pied Piper is in the Startup Battlefield at TechCrunch Disrupt.
Isso inspirou-me a ligar para a TechCrunch e oferecer-me para ser o principal orador.
It inspired me to call TechCrunch and offer to be their keynote speaker.
Como pudeste não nos dizer que te inscreveste no TechCrunch?
How could you not tell us that you entered TechCrunch Disrupt?
Decisão tomada, não vamos para a TechCrunch.
Executive decision. We are not doing TechCrunch. Okay.
Falta uma semana para o TechCrunch.
It's a week until TechCrunch, Richard.
E além de responsabilizar a TechCrunch pelos prejuízos, o que pode incluir a perda do "Pied Piper", e potencialmente biliões em receita e valor das acções, ele pode nomear-me pessoalmente no processo.
Uh, and in addition to holding TechCrunch liable for any damages, which may include the loss to Pied Piper of potentially billions in revenue and share value, uh, he may be naming me personally in a lawsuit.
Olá, TechCrunch!
Hola, TechCrunch!
Tudo o que sei é que o boato sobre a TechCrunch estar desorganizada, não está provado.
Unclear. All I know is that the rumor that TechCrunch is all abuzz about is unproven.
Vamos receber a última equipa das finais deste ano da disputa de novatos, da TechCrunch.
All right, let's welcome our final team to the finals of this year's TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield.
Olá, estou na TechCrunch.
Hey, I'm at TechCrunch.
Vi a manchete num site. Coitado.
I saw the headline on TechCrunch.
Despois da tua jogada perfeita na TechCrunch Disrupt, há semanas, apaixonámo-nos por ti e pela tua empresa.
Richard, after your perfect game at TechCrunch Disrupt a few weeks ago, we fell in love with you and your tech.
Acabei de ser humilhado por uma porra de um adolescente, na TechCrunch Disrupt, e dão-me este anúncio de tampões?
I just got humiliated by a fucking teenager at TechCrunch Disrupt, and you give me this tampon ad?
Bom, estava definido o suficiente para vencer a TechCrunch Disrupt. Sim.
Well, I mean, it was worked out enough to win TechCrunch Disrupt.
- Vi-o na TechCrunch.
- I saw you at TechCrunch.
Mesmo com os $ 50 000 da TechCrunch, não aguentamos muito tempo. Espera.
Even with the $ 50,000 from TechCrunch, we're not going to last very long.
Mesmo com os $ 50 000 da TechCrunch, só nos restam poucas semanas, antes de nos despenharmos e ardermos.
Even with the 50 grand we got at TechCrunch, we've only got a few weeks left of runway before we crash and burn.
Não há razão para isso, mas vi a sua apresentação na TechCrunch, online, duas vezes.
No reason I would. But I watched your whole TechCrunch thing online, twice.
A TechCrunch diz : " Laurie foi vista a almoçar no Rosewood com outra estrela tecnológica, Sam Herron.
TechCrunch says, "Laurie Bream spotted lunching at the Rosewood " with yet another rising tech star, Sam Herron.
Eu sei, mas apareceu a cena da TechCrunch e depois a Reddit AMA e agora a Bloomberg.
I know, I know, but, you know, the TechCrunch thing came up and then there was the Reddit AMA and, you know, now this Bloomberg thing.
Vi-o na TechCrunch, é o Richard Hendricks.
I saw you at TechCrunch. You're Richard Hendricks.
Achava que tinha de te comprar e investiguei-te como DE. Os meus empregados descobriram esta entrevista para a TechCrunch, descreves a PiperChat como e cito :
I thought I'd have to buy you out, and I wanted to know what kind of CEO I'd be dealing with, so I had my comms people pull your press, like this interview you did with TechCrunch
Nós ultrapassámos isso!
We shattered that limit at TechCrunch Disrupt.
Quando ultrapassei o limite de compressão.
When I exceeded the theoretical limit of compression at TechCrunch.
Saiu na Tech Crunch, na Recode e no Wall Street.
TechCrunch and Recode, and The Wall Street Journal picked it up as well.
Mas já era de esperar já que aquando da TechCrunch me deste um murro na cara.
Although, what can we expect after TechCrunch Disrupt when you sucker punched me in the God damn face?
Comeste a última mulher do Dan na noite anterior a ele ser nosso juiz na TechCrunch, sem te preocupares com a empresa.
Jeez. Well, you fucked Dan's last wife the night before he was our judge on the TechCrunch panel, with absolutely no regard for what that meant to the company.

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