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Torrance translate English

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O Dr. Thorp quer tê-la na cirurgia dentro de 5 minutos.
Um, Dr. Torrance asked you to meet him at Plastic Surgery in five minutes.
Com uma miúda de Torrance.
A little girl in Torrance.
Chamo-me Jack Torrance.
My name is Jack Torrance.
Sou Jack Torrance.
I'm Jack Torrance.
Não estou, Sra. Torrance.
No, I ain't, Mrs. Torrance.
Não quero ir, Sra. Torrance.
I don't want to go there.
Bill, quero que conheças o Jack Torrance.
Bill, I'd like you to meet Jack Torrance.
Sra. Torrance, não tem nada com que se preocupar.
Mrs. Torrance, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Leva as coisas dos Torrance para o apartamento.
Have the Torrances'things brought to their apartment.
Dick, vem cá para conheceres o Sr. e a Sra. Torrance.
Dick, come on over and say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Torrance.
Os Torrance vão cuidar do Overlook durante este Inverno.
The Torrances will take care of the Overlook this winter.
Dick, se puderes, mostra a cozinha à Sra. Torrance enquanto eu continuo com o Jack.
I think it'd be good if you could show Mrs. Torrance the kitchen while I continue on with Jack.
Sra. Torrance, o seu marido apresentou-a como Winifred.
Mrs. Torrance, your husband introduced you as Winifred.
Cedes-me a Sra. Torrance por uns minutos?
Can we borrow Mrs. Torrance? We're on our way to the basement.
Fala Wendy Torrance, do Overlook Hotel.
Hi, this is Wendy Torrance at the Overlook Hotel.
Posso fazer alguma coisa por si, Sra. Torrance?
Is there anything else we can do for you, Mrs. Torrance?
Sra. Torrance?
And, Mrs. Torrance?
É verdade, Sr. Torrance.
Yes it is, Mr. Torrance.
Tem um crédito excelente.
Your credit's fine, Mr. Torrance.
Como vão as coisas, Sr. Torrance?
How are things going, Mr. Torrance?
Boa noite, Sr. Torrance.
Good evening, Mr. Torrance.
Boa noite.
Good evening, Mr. Torrance.
Está pago.
No charge to you, Mr. Torrance.
Beba, Sr. Torrance.
Drink up, Mr. Torrance.
Não é caso para se preocupar.
It's not a matter that concerns you, Mr. Torrance.
Sabia, Sr. Torrance que o seu filho anda a tentar encaixar um tipo de fora nesta situação?
Did you know, Mr. Torrance that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation?
Anda sim, Sr. Torrance.
He is, Mr. Torrance.
Sem dúvida, Sr. Torrance.
Indeed he is, Mr. Torrance.
O Danny não está aqui, Sra. Torrance.
Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance.
O Danny não pode acordar, Sra. Torrance.
Danny can't wake up, Mrs. Torrance.
O Danny foi-se embora, Sra. Torrance.
Danny's gone away, Mrs. Torrance.
Sim, Sra. Torrance.
Yes, Mrs. Torrance.
É o Grady, Sr. Torrance.
It's Grady, Mr. Torrance.
Sr. Torrance vejo que não ligou ao negócio de que falámos.
Mr. Torrance I see you can hardly have taken care of the business we discussed.
Sim, Sr. Torrance?
Will you indeed, Mr. Torrance?
A sua mulher é mais forte do que pensávamos.
Your wife appears to be stronger than we imagined, Mr. Torrance.
Receio que tenha de encarar o problema de modo mais drástico, Sr. Torrance.
I fear you will have to deal with this matter in the harshest possible way, Mr. Torrance.
Dá-me a sua palavra, Sr. Torrance?
You give your word on that, do you, Mr. Torrance?
Agora que a Lone Star faliu, quero que tragam os táxis novos de Torrance.
Now that Lone Star is out of business... I want you to bring the new cabs from the plant in Torrance.
Vão a Torrance, tragam-nos e façam-se á estrada.
Get out to Torrance, pick them up, and hit the streets.
Todas as unidades nas redondezas da Broadway e Torrance, respondam.
All units in the vicinity of Broadway and Torrance please respond.
Fala o Sheriff Ray Dolezal, Condado de Torrance, 439277.
This is Deputy Sheriff Ray Dolezal, Torrance County 4 - 3-9er-2-7-7.
Diz que Derek Tillman e Nadia Torrance estão mortos... e enterrados na casa do Abrams.
Claims Derek Tillman and Nadia Torrance are dead... and buried in the Abrams house.
Interrompemos este programa para um directo no departamento do xerife de L.A., onde está a haver uma conferência de imprensa... por causa do achado macabro ontem de manhã. na auto-estrada de San Diego em Torrance.
We interrupt this program to go live to L.A. County Sheriff's headquarters... where a press conference is now in progress... regarding the grisly find yesterday morning... along San Diego Freeway in Torrance.
Está bem. Liberta o vapor todas as noites, antes de se deitar e tudo correrá bem, Mr.
You dump it like that every night, last thing you'll be all right, Mr. Torrance.
Terá a sua mulher e o seu filho. Mr.
Mr. Torrance, you wanna watch out for them.
Aqueles homens deram... Mr. Torrance, disseram-me que quando bebe, fica emocionalmente instável.
Mr. Torrance, I'm told that when you drink, you become emotionally unstable.
Doc Torrance, o homem mais forte do mundo!
Doc Torrance, world's strongest man!
Nadia Torrance.
Nadia Torrance.
But remember, no safety valve, so don't forget.
Torrance, cuidado com eles.
No offense.

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