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Trib translate English

30 parallel translation
O Trib chamou-lhe "Uma obra-prima do engenho eléctrico."
The Trib called it "A masterpiece of electrical ingenuity."
- Olá, Mr.
- Hey, Mr. Trib.
Trib. - Bom dia, querida.
- Hey, good morning, dear.
- O que veio no Trib?
- What was in the Trib?
- Mr. Trib?
- Hey, Mr. Trib.
E o fotógrafo da Trib's só pode vir esta tarde.
The Trib's photographer can't come till this afternoon.
O hospital não tem qualquer declaração oficial.
The hospital has no official comment at this time. It's the Trib.
É do Trib. Querem saber se morreu algum médico de abortos.
They want to know if any abortion docs died.
A sua namorada do Tribune, a Michelle Ziegler, chega às 16h.
Your girl from the Trib, Michelle Ziegler, will be here at 4.
Mas uma vez que o Trib fez um artigo sobre o mesmo assunto só que melhor, estás despedido.
But since the Trib did a piece on the same subject only better, you ´ refired.
Viste aquilo no Tribune sobre a inauguração?
Hey, ah, did you see the... the write-up in the... in the Trib about the dedication comin'up?
Soube agora pelo Trib.
I just heard from the Trib.
- Viu o periódico?
- Have you seen the Trib?
O Tribune está escrevendo um artigo sobre este derrapagem e o aumento de mortes evitáveis.
The Trib is writing a feature story on this screwup and the rise in preventable deaths.
Você saiu hoje no Trib, heim?
Hey, great mention of you in the "Trib" today, huh?
Jake Greenblatt do Chicago Trib.
Jake Greenblatt from Chicago Trib.
Está bem. Está no Chronicle, The Trib, e no The Montclarion.
Okay, in the Chronicle, the Trib and the Montclarion.
- Sou do Trib.
- I'm from the Trib.
Ah, desculpa.
- Oh, they're trib... I'm sorry.
Eu vi aquele artigo sobre os "Três Irmãos" no Trib esta semana.
I saw that Three Brothers article in the Trib this week.
Sim, eu sei, mas rastejar pelos túneis de esgoto, ainda é mais fácil do que enganar os identificadores tribais.
Yes, I know, but sneaking through the sewer tunnel is still a lot easier than trying to bluff our way past the trib scanners.
Se só queriam um artigo, porque é que o Tribune não mandou um fulano com um charuto enfiado na tromba?
If you just wanted a story, then why didn't the Trib send one of their hacks with a cigar stuffed in their snout?
O "Tribune" e o "Sunday Times" podem ser maiores, mas têm de prestar contas aos proprietários da empresa.
The Trib and the Sun-Times may be bigger, but they have to answer to corporate ownership.
Sim. Equipas, Chronicle, Trib, Daily Mail...
Times, Chronicle, Trib, Daily Mail..
O tribune está novamente em cima do rabo.
The Trib is up its own ass again.
Yo, Trib.
Veio no Trib.
It's in the Trib.
Queres salvar o "Tribune"?
You wanna save the Trib?
O Tribunal Militar Internacional para o Extremo Oriente vai julgar 28 suspeitos de crimes de guerra... TRIB. MILITAR INT.
[man in Japanese] The International Military Tribunal for the Far East convened to try 28 war crime suspects led by former General Tojo, plunging not only the people of Japan, but also a billion people in the Far East into misery.

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