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Trippy translate English

179 parallel translation
Olá, Trippy, querido.
Hello, Trippy, darling.
- Olá, Trippy.
- Hello, Trippy.
O Trippy tem um emprego e trabalha muito.
Trippy has a job now and is working hard.
Achei que, se comprasse vestidos novos e desse um jantar, encorajaria o Trippy a conseguir mais rendimentos.
I thought if I bought new dresses and gave a dinner party it might encourage Trippy to make more killings.
- Está bem, querido.
All right, Trippy, darling.
O George estava a dizer-me que bebem um grande copo de sumo de laranja todas as manhäs, na Califórnia.
Trippy, George was just telling me that they have a huge glass of orange juice every morning in California.
- Que lhe diremos sobre o Trippy?
- But what will we tell him about Trippy?
O Trippy obriga-me a näo perder a prática.
Trippy's kept me in practice.
Sou George Trellis, primo do Trippy.
I'm George Trellis, Trippy's cousin.
Miss Trellis, a irmä do Trippy.
Miss Trellis, Trippy's sister.
George, explicaste a Mr. Skeffington sobre o Trippy?
George, did you explain to Mr. Skeffington about Trippy?
O Trippy acha que pode curar a constipaçäo durante a noite - e irá trabalhar de manhä.
Trippy feels sure he can shake the cold off overnight and be at his desk in the morning.
O Trippy näo disse nada sobre isso.
Trippy never said a word about that.
Como deve saber, a Miss Trellis e o Trippy näo têm pais vivos.
As you may know, Miss Trellis and Trippy have no father or mother.
O Trippy fez algo horrível?
Has Trippy done something awful?
O Trippy sabe que o senhor sabe?
Does Trippy know you know?
Pobre Trippy.
Poor Trippy.
Mr. Skeffington, é bom que saiba que a Miss Trellis e o Trippy estäo falidos.
Mr. Skeffington, you may as well know that Miss Trellis and Trippy are stone broke.
Quando o meu pai morreu, há quatro anos, deixou uma fortuna considerável, mas, sabe, o Trippy insistiu em geri-la.
When my father died four years ago he did leave a considerable estate but, you see, Trippy insisted on managing it.
A menos que o Trippy arranje outro emprego e lhe pague aos poucos.
Unless, of course, Trippy could get another job and pay you back a little each week.
- Estava capaz de esganar o Trippy.
- I could wring Trippy's neck.
- Bom dia, Trippy.
- Good morning, Trippy.
Trippy, o que vais fazer, agora?
Trippy, what are you going to do now?
Pára com isso, Trippy Trellis.
Oh, now, you stop that Trippy Trellis.
Trippy, querido...
Trippy, dear...
- Trippy, näo deves.
- Oh, Trippy, you mustn't.
- Trippy.
- Trippy.
Trippy, näo digas essas coisas.
Trippy, don't say such things.
- Era, sim, Trippy.
- Yes, he was, Trippy.
Ora, Trippy Trellis... ... ela adorar-te-ia.
Why, Trippy Trellis she would love you very much.
Mr. Skeffington, quero que saiba que näo vim falar do Trippy.
Mr. Skeffington, I want you to know I didn't come here to talk about Trippy.
Georgie, estava a pensar... Seria considerado caridade, se usássemos o dinheiro para o Trippy?
Georgie, I was wondering would it be considered charity if we use the money for Trippy?
Quando te vi, quando fui falar com o Trippy, estavas muito bonita.
When I saw you the night I came to see Trippy you looked very beautiful.
Eu näo. - Georgie, sabes onde está o Trippy?
- Georgie, do you know where Trippy is?
- Trippy, querido.
- Trippy, darling. Then you've heard.
Trippy, é melhor ires para o teu quarto.
Trippy, you'd better go up to your room.
- Trippy, estás exaltado.
- Trippy, you're excited. - Shut up.
Trippy, como foste capaz?
Trippy, how could you?
- Tinha medo de te dizer, Trippy.
- I was afraid to tell you, Trippy.
Digo-te uma coisa, Trippy.
I'll tell you this much, Trippy.
Trippy, gosto muito do Job... ... mas é a ti que amo.
Trippy, I'm very fond of Job but I love you.
Trippy, vai lá abaixo pedir desculpa.
Trippy, go down and apologize. Apologize?
Trippy. Vais mesmo combater?
Do you mean you're actually going to fight?
Georgie, aquele näo é o Trippy?
Georgie, isn't that Trippy? I don't know.
Georgie, é mesmo o Trippy.
Georgie, it is Trippy.
- Trippy!
- Oh, Trippy.
Trippy, ouve-me.
Trippy, listen to me.
- Trippy, estás louco.
- Oh, Trippy, you're out of your mind.
O Trippy?

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