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Underwear translate English

3,282 parallel translation
No meio da minha roupa interior?
In my underwear.
Sabes, costumo comprar as minhas cuecas online.
You know, I buy all my underwear online.
Ela fugiu sem sapatos e sem roupa interior, e isso preocupa-me.
She ran away without her shoes and her underwear, and that worries me.
Preciso de encontrar quem estava com um pastor que gostava de usar roupas íntimas femininas.
I need to find someone who was with a minister who liked to wear women's underwear.
E estava vestido com roupas íntimas femininas, sutiã, e eu ajudei-a a vestir-lhe um fato.
And he was dressed in women's underwear and a bra, and I helped her change him into a suit.
O Cliffy paga-me 300 dólares pela hora, 100 dólares pela roupa íntima e outros 100 pelos sapatos.
Okay, look, Cliffy pays me $ 300 for the hour, plus another $ 100 for the underwear and another $ 100 for the shoes.
- As minhas cuecas.
My underwear.
- Não estou com cuecas.
I'm not wearing any underwear.
Até deve usar cuecas Pearson Hardman.
He's probably wearing Pearson Hardman underwear right now.
Acredita, ele não usa cuecas.
Trust me. He doesn't wear underwear.
Se voltares a falar-me das cuecas do Louis...
And if you ever mention Louis'underwear situation to me again...
Usando lingerie sexy?
Crazies in sexy underwear?
As cuecas?
Where's the underwear?
O desfile, o jogo, pendurar o John no mastro da bandeira pelas cuecas.
The parade, the game, stringing Stinky John up the flagpole by his underwear.
Então, o que é exactamente umas boas-vindas, e por que é que a roupa interior é tão importante?
So, what exactly is homecoming and why does underwear play such an important role?
Pendurei um rapaz pelas cuecas quando estava na secundária.
I strung this kid up by his underwear when I was in boarding school.
Porque é que tentas encontrar o tipo que penduraste pelas cuecas?
Why on earth would you try to find the man that you strung up by his underwear?
Bom, qualquer coisa que implique mastros de bandeiras e... roupa interior.
Well, anything involving flagpoles and-and, uh... and underwear.
Está usando roupa de baixo?
You got any underwear on under there?
Chegam com uma equipa de investigação para vasculharem as gavetas de roupa interior.
U.N. gives us two days'notice they're coming in with an investigation team to go through our underwear drawers.
Vamos ver que identidade a sabotadora esconde de baixo da roupa.
Let's see what identity to sabotage hidden in underwear.
Vamos chamar o Dr. Freud e perguntar-lhe porque falaste da minha lingerie?
Why don't we page Dr. Freud and ask him why you talked about my underwear instead?
Pelo menos em LA, deixam a roupa de baixo.
In L.A., they at least leave the underwear.
És tu quem está a namorar com uma modelo de roupa interior.
You're the one dating the underwear model.
Você não pode dizer-me que você mantenha potpourri na sua gaveta de roupas íntimas.
You cannot possibly tell me that you keep potpourri in your underwear drawer.
Estou a conduzir, a pagar, a lavar-te a lingerie.
I'm driving, buying, washing your underwear.
Sim, porque qualquer homem de 32 anos precisa de um amigo a acompanhá-lo quando vai comprar roupa interior.
Yeah,'cause every 32-year-old man needs a friend to chaperone him while he's underwear shopping.
Roupas íntimas, estão do outro lado desse limite.
Underwear are on the other side of that boundary.
- O quê? Devias comprar cuecas como as dos jogadores de futebol, a pequena 3 / 4 como Beckham, pois estas não te valorizam.
You should get some underwear like the soccer players wear, like, the 3 / 4 brief like Beckham,'cause honestly, these are so unflattering.
Não preciso de cuecas novas, ou aroma de lavanda.
I do not need new underwear or lavender spritzes.
Por tocar na minha cueca ou me imobilizar com a lavanda?
For what, touching my underwear or macing me with lavender?
Na máquina de secar, devo ter agarrado numas cuecas da Hayley.
Ah, man. I must have grabbed a pair of Hayley's underwear from the dryer.
Estou só a cortar a minha roupa interior.
I'm just cutting off my underwear.
Fodo um urso Combato em qualquer noite Em cuecas
Fuck a bear I'll fight any night in my underwear
Mas ela rebentou-o ou aconteceu alguma coisa, pois encontrámos sémen nas suas cuecas.
But it either broke or something happened, because we recovered his semen on her underwear.
O seu ADN foi posto nas suas cuecas?
Your DNA was planted on her underwear?
Encontrei as tuas cuecas.
Hey, ese, I found your underwear.
Claro, não usas roupa interior, porque és um bebé.
That's right, you don't wear underwear. And here's your dirty diaper.
As tuas roupas interiores aqui, junto com os teus preservativos.
Change of underwear here, along with your condoms.
O seu ADN foi posto nas cuecas dela?
Your DNA was planted on her underwear?
Mais duas dessas e também não vai usar roupa interior.
Well, two more of those, and you won't be wearing any underwear either.
O seu ADN foi colocado na cuecas dela?
Your DNA was planted on her underwear?
Estão aqui para ver se ele me enfia as cuecas na cabeça.
You're here to see if I get my underwear pulled over my head.
Usavas cuecas?
You wore underwear?
E já agora, pára de roubar-me as minhas roupas íntimas!
Oh, and by the way, kindly stop stealing my underwear.
Felizmente, ele não gosta de tocar sem a roupa interior.
Thankfully, he doesn't like to play without his underwear.
Bem.. adivinhem, não estou a usar roupa interior.
Hey, well, guess what, I'm not wearing underwear.
Sem roupa interior de centro comercial, ãh?
[Grunts] No mall underwear, huh?
Preciso de roupa interior comprida?
- Will I need long underwear?
Estás a usar roupa interior?
Are you even wearing underwear?
Talvez isso explique as cuecas.
Maybe that explains the underwear.

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