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Translate.vc / Portuguese → English / Victimas

Victimas translate English

22 parallel translation
Foi escrita para as victimas de Hiroshima, mas está OK.
It was written for the victims of Hiroshima, but it's OK.
Tudo bem mesmo que ele fosse um madigan, agora nos nossos dias... seria membro de um grupo de victimas
All right, even if he was a madigan around nowadays... he'd be a member of some victims'group.
Depois de ouvir as histórias, e de partilhar o sofrimente, as victimas... encontão o alívio
By sharing their pain, the victims find some measure of relief.
É comum em sacrifícios arrancarem-se os corações às victimas.
It's common in ritual sacrifice to take the heart of the victim.
As victimas foram os donos.
The victims were the owners.
Ele estava a prepectuar um acto puro e premitivo. utilizando as victimas para entretenimento.
He was perpetuating a primitive and prurient morality by parading victims for the purpose of entertainment.
E nós viemos para o encontrar. Para si e para as outras victimas.
And we came here to find it for you and the other victims.
Ela tem victimas.
She has victims.
Engenharia de tecidos permite a regeneração bem sucedida de tudo desde pele para victimas de queimaduras a orelhas e narizes para pessoas que tenham perdido ou tenham partes desfiguradas no corpo.
Tissue engineering allows for the successful regeneration of everything from skin for burn victims to ears and noses for people who have lost or disfigured body parts.
Tantas potencias victimas!
So many potential victims!
Ela, ou alguma das outras victimas viveram nesta casa?
Did... Did she or any of the other victims live in this house?
Tanto quanto sei, nenhuma das victimas viveu aqui.
None of the victims lived here as far as I know.
Alguma vez pensaste nas familias das tuas victimas?
Do you ever think about the families of your victims?
Ou, poderiamos substituir orgãos, substituir a pele das victimas de queimaduras, ajudar nos problemas da espinal medula, síndrome de Down, potenciais curas para o cancro.
We could replace organs, replace skin for burn victims, help for spinal cord injuries, down syndrome, potentially cures for cancer, Parkinson's.
Estas são victimas, e como eu ou tu, elas chegaram a um ponto de ruptura.
These are victims, and like you or I, they reach a breaking point.
Durante estes oito anos, estamos a falar de quantas victimas?
During those eight years, how many victims were there in all?
De todas as victimas, ela foi a unica que teve uma causa de morte inconclusiva.
Out of all the victims in the coroner's report, hers was the only inconclusive cause of death.
É tipico nos traumas as victimas quererem fortalecer o seu depoimento, acrescentando pequenos detalhes.
It's typical in trauma victims to want to strengthen their testimony by adding little details.
Assim como são os danos que ele inflige nos corpos e nas almas das suas victimas.
And so is the threat it poses to the bodies, and the souls of its victims.
Ambos victimas dum ruinoso brilhante factor comum.
Both victims of a common recurring pattern.
É assim que as victimas são?
And as a victim really looks like.
A vítima usava meias coloridas quando a encontrámos.
The victimas wearing aqua-colored socks when we found her.

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