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Whitey translate English

901 parallel translation
Vamos lá, rapaz!
Come on, whitey!
- Olá, Whitey.
- Hello, Whitey.
Passe no escritório mais tarde, Whitey.
Drop up to the office later, Whitey.
Whitey, não tenho lido os jornais.
Whitey, I haven't seen the papers.
Whitey, tenho medo de pedir ao Link.
Whitey, I'm afraid to ask Link.
- Whitey, ouça-me, por favor.
- Whitey, listen to me, please.
É muita massa, Whitey.
That's a lot of dough, Whitey.
- Sim, depois, Whitey.
- Yeah, later, Whitey.
A sério que o Whitey vai desaparecer?
On the level, is Whitey taking a powder?
- Ora, vamos ver, Whitey, vamos...
- Now, see here, Whitey, let's...
E o Whitey está ali a dormir uma sesta?
I suppose Whitey's just taking a nap in there.
Não, era do Whitey.
No, it was Whitey's.
O Paul é só um pouco mais alto que o Whitey, por isso, acho que devia estar pendurado no candeeiro, quando lhe deu o tiro, ou me cima duma cadeira.
Paul is only a little taller than Whitey so I figure he must have been hanging on the chandelier when he shot him, or standing on a chair.
Acho que o Whitey devia estar no chão, quando foi atingido.
It looks to me as if Whitey must have been lying on the floor when he got it.
Vamos presumir, por um momento, que uma terceira pessoa viu o Paul e o Whitey a lutar.
Let's suppose, for the moment, that some third party saw Paul and Whitey fight.
A terceira parte pode ter pegado na arma, batido ao Whitey por trás, o que justifica a pancada na cabeça do Whitey, - e levado o livro do bolso.
Our third party could have picked up the gun, slugged Whitey from behind which accounts for that bruise on the back of Whitey's head and taken the book from his pocket.
Porque é que a terceira pessoa ia dar um tiro no Whitey, depois de lhe ter batido e levado o livro?
Why should this party of the third party shoot Whitey after he knocked him cold and took the book?
Diria que o Whitey acordou e o reconheceu.
I'll say that Whitey came to and recognized him.
Gostava de dar uma vista de olhos nas coisas do Whitey.
I'd like to have a look at that stuff Whitey had on him.
O que é que o Whitey estava aqui a fazer e como é que entrou?
But what was Whitey doing in here, and how did he get in?
Ele e o Whitey discutiram, ali, esta noite.
He and Whitey had an argument in there tonight.
Que relação tinha o Whitey Barrow com o Stephens e o Macy?
What connection did Whitey Barrow have with Stephens and Macy?
Isso leva-nos de volta a Whitey Barrow.
Well, that brings us back to Whitey Barrow.
Estava na entrada com o Mr. Stephens quando o Whitey...
I was standing in the lobby with Mr. Stephens when Whitey...
Porque é que o Whitey Barrow a levou para um canto escondido, para falarem de um amigo comum?
Why did Whitey Barrow have to take you into a secluded corner to chat about a mutual friend?
O Whitey Barrow gostava.
Whitey Barrow did.
Whitey estava com problemas.
Whitey was in trouble.
Não consegui o dinheiro, por isso, dei a pulseira ao Whitey.
I couldn't raise the money, so I gave Whitey the bracelet to use instead.
O Whitey devia ter alguma coisa.
Whitey must've had something.
Eu amava o Whitey.
I loved Whitey.
Foi como disse ao Abrams nem me aproximei do gabinete, - quando o Whitey foi morto.
Just like I was telling Abrams, I was nowhere near the office when Whitey got bumped.
- Acha que ele matou o Whitey?
- You mean, he killed Whitey?
- Whitey Barrow.
- Whitey Barrow.
Quer dizer que o Whitey estava a fazer chantagem com a Claire?
Do you mean Whitey was blackmailing Claire?
Whitey estava a fazer com que a Porter lhe pagasse.
Whitey was making the Porter dame pay off.
O livro que o Whitey me tirou no gabinete do Stephens.
The book Whitey took away from me in Stephens'office.
O Macy estava na bilheteira consigo quando o Whitey Barrow foi morto?
Was Macy in the ticket office with you when Whitey Barrow was killed?
Estava fora da arena antes do Whitey ser morto.
I was out of the arena before Whitey was killed.
O Whitey roubou-ma.
Whitey stole it from me.
Whitey andava a fazer chantagem.
Whitey had been blackmailing her.
Não sabia que o Whitey tinha morrido até ele me dizer.
I didn't know Whitey was dead until he told me.
Ele disse-me que o Whitey tinha morrido, antes de me levar a casa.
He told me Whitey was dead before he took me home.
Mas a Molly disse-lhe que o Whitey tinha discutido com os chefes?
But Molly did tell you that Whitey had had a falling out with his bosses?
Whitey e eu éramos inimigos.
Whitey and I were enemies.
Mas Whitey foi morto antes que alguém falasse com ele.
But Whitey was killed before anybody could get to him.
O Whitey Barrow estava assustado.
Whitey Barrow was scared.
Whitey, dá-me um pouco de fiambre, sim?
Whitey, give me a ham on rye, will you?
- Obrigado, sr. Rossi.
Pulaski, and you, Whitey, take these men aft.
Pulasky e tu, Whitey, levem-nos à popa.
Yes, sir.
Olá, Barney.
Hi, Whitey!
- Viva, Whitey.
Hiya, Joe.

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