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Willoughby translate English

324 parallel translation
Silêncio, Willoughby!
Silence, Willoughby!
- Não sei, Lorde Willoughby.
- I don't know, Lord Willoughby.
Lorde Willoughby, obrigada, mas não seja tonto.
Lord Willoughby, thank you, but don't be foolish.
Capitão Blood, o Lorde Willoughby manda os cumprimentos... e pede para falar consigo logo que lhe seja possível.
Capt. Blood, Lord Willoughby sends his compliments... and requests you to talk with him at your convenience.
- Lorde Willoughby, ele não pode.
- Lord Willoughby, he mustn't.
Lorde Willoughby, ajude-me.
Lord Willoughby, help me.
Lorde Willoughby, vinha deixá-los em Port Royal, mas agora...
Lord Willoughby, I set out to land you at Port Royal, but now...
Muito bem, Lorde Willoughby.
Very well then, Lord Willoughby.
Lorde Willoughby, é convidado no meu barco... e ainda me lembro do comportamento decente, por isso, não lhe vou dizer o que penso da oferta.
Lord Willoughby, you're a guest aboard my ship... and I've still some notion left me from better days of decent behavior... so I'll not be telling you what I think of this offer.
Lorde Willoughby, ela ama-me!
Lord Willoughby, she loves me!
Chamo-me Willoughby.
My name is Willoughby.
Lorde Willoughby?
Lord Willoughby?
Sr. Harry Faversham, Capitão John Durrance, e um para o Willoughby "cara gorda".
Mr. Harry Faversham, Captain John Durrance... and one for Fat Face Willoughby.
Sr. Thomas Willoughby.
"Mr. Thomas Willoughby."
O Peter está numa cabine com o John Durrance e com o Willoughby.
Peter has a cabin with John Durrance and Willoughby. I'm glad the three boys are going to be together.
- Willoughby!
- Willoughby?
Willoughby, ainda pareço uma pessoa sã?
Willoughby. Do I still look sane?
Dois oficiais britânicos lideraram o regimento Surrey, capturados em Gakdul : os tenentes Burroughs e Willoughby ".
"The achievement was led and inspired... by two British officers of the Royal North Surrey Regiment... captured in the fight at Gakdul Wells, Lieutenants Burroughs and Willoughby."
E o bom e velho Willoughby!
And good old Willoughby!
" Os tenentes Burroughs e Willoughby, cuja fuga da prisão, se deveu a um acto heróico, descrito pelo Ten.
- "Lieutenants Burroughs and Willoughby'- - Hmm. "... whose release from prison was due to an act of heroism... described to me personally by Lieutenant Burroughs.
Acabei de receber a excelente notícia sobre o Peter, o Willoughby, e o Harry Faversham.
Just heard the splendid news of Peter and Willoughby... and Harry Faversham.
Lembras-te do meu sobrinho, Willoughby?
You remember my nephew, Willoughby?
E o Willoughby Peavy.
And Willoughby Peavy.
O Willoughby está a trabalhar na fábrica.
Willoughby is working out at the plant now.
- Vamos andando, Willoughby.
- Come along, Willoughby.
- Boa noite, Willoughby.
- Oh, good evening, Willoughby.
Significa alguma coisa para si, Willoughby?
That mean anything to you, Willoughby?
Sim, e você também, Willoughby.
Yes, and you too, Willoughby.
Willoughby, reconhece isto?
Willoughby, don't you recognize that?
Bem, Willoughby?
Well, Willoughby?
Willoughby só o mudava de um departamento para outro.
Willoughby would just switch him from one department to another.
Muito bem, Willoughby.
All right, Willoughby.
- Pedi ao Willoughby para o vigiar.
- I asked Willoughby to look after him.
- Willoughby, é melhor falar.
- Willoughby, you better speak up.
Eu sou Bert Willoughby, chefe de bombeiros desta boa cidade.
I'm Bert Willoughby, Fire Chief of this here fair city.
Bem, olhe, Sr. Willoughby, você conhece aquele posto de gasolina do outro lado da rua?
Well, look, Mr. Willoughby, you know that gasoline station across the street?
Só um minuto, Sr. Willoughby.
Just a minute, Mr. Willoughby.
Olhe, Sr. Willoughby, podemos apressar esta coisa?
Look, Mr. Willoughby, can we rush this thing?
Essa é a Sra. Willoughby.
That's Mrs. Willoughby.
Na frente do Sr. Willoughby?
In front of Mr. Willoughby?
Senhora Willoughby, Você faria a licença de imediato?
Mrs. Willoughby, would you make the license out right away?
Obrigado, Sra. Willoughby.
Thank you, Mrs. Willoughby.
Pompey, vai buscar o Dr. Willoughby.
Pompey, go find Doc Willoughby.
- O Dr. Willoughby?
- Where's Doc Willoughby?
- Graças ao Dr. Willoughby.
Thanks to Doc Willoughby.
- O Sr. Willoughby Whitfield está aqui.
Mr. Willoughby Whitfield to see you.
Bom-dia. Meu nome é Willoughby Whitfield.
My name is Willoughby Whitfield.
- É o seu sobrinho.
It's your nephew. Willoughby?
Obrigado, Sra. Willoughby.
♪ For I love you truly, truly, dear ♪ Thank you, Mrs. Willoughby.

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