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Woking translate English

10 parallel translation
Se está pronto, partamos de imediato para Briarbrae House, Woking.
Well, if you are ready, let us start for Briarbrae House Woking, at once.
... estava na cidade e voltava para Woking no trem das 23 horas.
He was in town, and was traveling back to Woking by the 11 : 00 o'clock train.
Posso perguntar-lhe qual é a sua profissão, que lhe permita passar o Verão em Woking?
May I ask you what your occupation is that allows you to while away the summer in Woking?
Não regressei a Woking, desde que fui incumbido da tarefa e a executei.
No. I had not been back to Woking in between getting the order and executing the commission.
Não quero roubá-lo mais ao seu trabalho, Watson, mas ficaria muito agradecido se me acompanhasse amanhã a Woking.
Oh, Watson, I won't detain you any longer from your legitimate work. But I should be extremely obliged if you would come down to Woking with me tomorrow, the same train that we took today.
Voltou sozinho para Woking e escondeu-o onde achou ser um local seguro, com a intenção de ir buscá-lo um ou dois dias depois e levá-lo à Embaixada Francesa, ou onde achasse que lhe ofereceriam mais dinheiro.
returned alone to Woking and concealed it in what he thought was a very safe place, intending to remove it in a day or two, and take it to the French embassy or wherever he thought a long price was to be had.
Até Jesus Cristo era de Woking, em Surrey.
Even Jesus Christ was from Woking in Surrey.
Estou a tratar do rolo...
I'm-I'm woking'and rollin'over here.
Tenho trabalhado no duro.
Been woking so hard
Estamos a entrar agora num ambiente diferente de computadores e de utilização indevida de computadores e ainda não temos um sentido forte de quais são exatamente estas linhas, porque ainda estamos a definir isso.
We are now entering that different environment of computers and computer misuse and we don't yet have a really strong sense of exactly what these lines are because we are just woking that out.

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