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Translate.vc / Portuguese → Russian / Artist

Artist translate Russian

9 parallel translation
You can crush the artist but not the art.
Ты можешь уничтожить художника, но не искусство.
Crushing the artist works for me.
Уничтожить художника мне подходит.
But l'm reallyjust a sensitive artist l'm reallyjust a sensitive artist
Нeсмoтря дажe на нашу чувствитeльнoсть Мы, и правда, с тoнкoй душoй
Publicaram um crítica ao Joshua no Artist's Weekly.
В "Художественном еженедельнике" появилась рецензия на работы Джошуа.
Óptimo. Vou mandar outra pessoa. - E um polícia-desenhador
I'll send over someone else along with a police artist.
O título será "The Artist".
Называться он будет "Артист".
Um artista deve ser fiel ao material e a ele mesmo.
An artist must be true to the material and himself.
- Vamos levar um desenhador.
Let's get him with a sketch artist.
São ambos artistas.
They're both artist types.

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