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Translate.vc / Portuguese → Russian / Begins

Begins translate Russian

5 parallel translation
Aparecendo no seu primeiro desfile, a banda marchante, que é do sul da Pensilvânia, toca Rachel Stin, do filme Batman Begins.
На своем первом праздничном шествии выступает музыкальная группа из Альтуны, Пенсильвания. Они исполняют тему Рейчел из фильма "Бетмен. Начало."
Merlin S02E03 "The Nightmare Begins"
Мерлин, 2 сезон, 3 серия - Кошмар начинается.
# As the simulated rainy season begins
# As the simulated rainy season begins
Acha que Polícia começa por "O"? - Sim.
begins with an "O"?
- Que tencionas fazer? - Não tenho alternativa! Vou pedir a demissão!
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends and say my glory was I had such a friend."

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