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Ours translate Russian

8 parallel translation
"Um amor como o nosso é verdadeiro e real Como um lírio agarra o orvalho matinal"
" Love like ours is real and true As a lily holds the morning dew
E a nossa filha?
How about that daughter of ours?
Wouldn't it be great if all the clothes in here were ours?
Было бы прекрасно, если бы все вещи отсюда стали нашими?
Private Practice S02E22 "Yours, Mine and Ours"
Частная Практика. Сезон 2. Серия 22
The gift was ours to borrow,
* Подарок был * * На время *
Queres adivinhar o que era "Dickens Tree Ours"?
Угадай, что такое Древо Дьякона?
Fizemos a nossa de tarde.
Did ours this afternoon.
Uma operadora nossa interceptou e executou aquele que era o terrorista.
An operator of ours intercepted and executed that would-be terrorist.

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