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Translate.vc / Portuguese → Russian / Raised

Raised translate Russian

9 parallel translation
Born and raised in South Detroit
* Родившийся и выросший в Южном Детройте *
Ela foi bem criada.
She was raised right.
És um rapaz que foi criado por uma mãe viciada que fez-te pensar que és uma miúda porque ela odeia homens.
You're a boy who was raised by a jacked-up meth head of a mom, who made you think you were a girl because she hates men.
Levantou a mão e bateu na mesa em que comiam.
He raised his hand and hit the table they were eating on.
Transformava todos os seus dias num inferno.
She raised hell every day of her life.
Cresceu no sudoeste da Virgínia, largou o ensino secundário no segundo ano.
Raised in southwest Virginia, dropped out of high school his sophomore year.
Fui criado no bairro, puto.
I was raised on the block, son.
Ainda não te apercebeste que ele só começou a passar tempo contigo quando a idade para beber subiu?
It hasn't dawned on you that he only started spending time with you when the drinking age was raised?
Tradução :
things return you've come back with your body and mine raised up it's good to see you once more

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