/ Portuguese → Russian / While
While translate Russian
98 parallel translation
"Mesmo enquanto dormimos," "podemos encontrar-te mantendo o teu melhor comportamento"
Even while we sleep, we will find you acting on your best behaviour.
"Dêmos as mãos enquanto as paredes se abatem sobre nós."
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down.
"De vez em quando..." "duas pessoas, encontram-se"
Once in a while... two people meet,
"Now let us sport us while we may, " and now, like amorous birds of prey, " rather at once our time devour
" Давайте покажем, на что мы способны как хищник, который всегда ищет добычу, не уставая, надеясь на свою силу.
You're far away Will be gone a while
You're far away Will be gone a while
Um renegado, perturbo a paz Enquanto cuspo uma serenata
A renegade, disturbing the peace while I'm spitting the serenade
I was lost in thought while I fell in love.
Я потерялся в мыслях, потому что влюблен.
Há já algum tempo que ando para lhe dar isto, mas... nunca surgiu o momento indicado.
I've been meaning to give this to you for a while now... but I, uh, could never find the right moment.
O lado bom é que enquanto lá estive, voltei a rebocar a sua banheira.
- I'm sorry you heard all of that. The good news is, while I was in there,
Já há algum tempo que ando a pensar nisso, e então ontem recebi um telef...
I had it in the back of my mind for a while, and then yesterday, I got a ph- -
Vais ter o direito recompensa.
I'll make... while.
( Driving While Intoxicated )
Не волнуйся за группу, хорошо?
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
Посмотри на этот крюк и оцени его, пока мой ди-джей им вращает
When it's time to get loose Magnetized by the mic while I kick my juice
* Держа микрофон, я словно очарованный, и тогда швыряю свой сок *
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
* Посмотри на этот крюк и оцени его, пока ди-джей им вращает. *
While it's rolling, hold on
Пока это происходит, держись
While I'm alone and blue as can be
* Пока я буду грустить в одиночестве, *
As ruas o tentaram, mas por um tempo a vida foi boa.
The streets tempt, but for a while, life wills out.
Mas um homem tem que largar tudo de vez em quando. estar em comunhão com este grande país, passear.
But, you know, a man's got to drop out every once in a while, commune with this great country, tramp about.
- Nos separamo-nos porque ela se apaixonou por um cirurgião quando eu não estava.
We grew apart because she fell in love with a gastrointestinal robot surgeon while I was always gone.
Desculpa, não posso vender nada enquanto estiver escondido.
Sorry, bro. I can't sell any leg spreader while I'm hiding out here.
Eu digo-lhe para olhar para outro lado enquanto enfias uma sonda no reto da filha dela.
I'll just scream, "look over there," while you quickly shove a scope up her daughter's rectum.
Pode parecer insensível, mas este moo shoo salva vidas... Onde estão as panquecas?
So while this may seem insensitive, this crucial, lifesaving moo shoo- - where are my extra pancakes?
A personagem de Mandy Bronson é ferida até à morte - numa corrida de touros.
Mandy Bronson's character is gored to death while running with the bulls.
Ela escreveu estas páginas na noite em que foi assassinada, quando você estava com o seu marido.
She wrote those particular pages the night that she was murdered While you were with her husband.
Went kind of smooth after a while
* Со временем изнашивались *
Beijinhos, Gossip Girl.
Gossip Girl / Сплетница s04e15 While You Weren't Sleeping / Пока ты не спишь русские субтитры
Sabes o que deveríamos fazer enquanto esperamos para sair daqui?
Hey, you know what we should do while we're waiting to get out of here?
Isto diz-nos que ele acha que tem uma razão para as mortes mas na realidade tem uma compulsão.
This tell us that while he may think that he has an objective reason for the killings, he actually has a compulsion which is the real reason behind them.
Estive casado durante um tempo.
. I was married for a while.
Aliciar a nata de Nova Iorque durante as férias, é uma tradição da família Botwin.
Fleecing New York's upper crust while they're on vacation это традиция семьи Ботвинов.
Desperate Housewives - S08E03 "Watch While I Revise the World"
ОТЧАЯННЫЕ ДОМОХОЗЯЙКИ 8.03 * Смотри, пока я исправляю мир *
Depois, passado algum tempo, acordei nua na mala do carro.
Anyway, I passed out for a while, and um woke up naked in the trunk of a car.
She promised you stars like you read on her pages all of the tinsel and the company of strangers the fear that you came with you thought you'd escaped it but even while breaking you could still be persuaded
Звезды тебе она обещала которые в книгах своих рисовала. А ты плыл в суете среди чужаков, Скрывался со страхом,
Queres dizer que o camião teria passado por elas ainda com a vítima.
You're saying the truck would've crossed over the scale while dragging the victim.
Vou ao mercado.
I'm gonna go to the store, while I'm doing that
Localiza-o enquanto vou ao mercado.
So the trick is to track it down, while I'm at the store.
Vejo que sofre da síndrome do túnel do carpo, como resultado do movimento repetitivo exigido para a contagem de cupons.
I can see you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of the repetitive circular motion required while scanning coupons.
A minha mãe trata dele enquanto trabalho.
My mom watches him while I'm at work.
Sim, mas os recibos que ele verificou mostram 4 ocasiões diferentes no mês passado onde, enquanto a Barb fazia compras, o cartão era usado num restaurante fora da cidade.
Yeah, but the receipts that he checked showed four separate occasions last month while Barb was shopping, their credit card was also being used in high-end restaurants around town.
Então ele vai a jantares finos, enquanto ela cata moedinhas.
So, he's out fine dining while she's pinching pennies.
Tantos restaurantes chiques enquanto a sua mulher saía para trazer comida.
All those fancy dinners while your wife was out buying food to put on your table.
Mesmo que ache que está enganada sobre a Michelle e eu... é a mãe, e eu respeito a sua vontade até que possa convencê-la do contrário.
And while I do think you're making a mistake about me and Michelle, you're her mama, and I have to respect your wishes until I can convince you otherwise.
Your father and I used to play darts once in a while.
Мы с твоим отцом бывало играли в дартс.
Enquanto revistavam as suas vestes reais
♪ While going through his royal robes ♪
"I've got a story, ain't got no moral" "let the bad guy win every once in a while"
# I've got a story, ain't got no moral # # let the bad guy win every once in a while #
"I've got a story, ain't got no moral..."
# let the bad guy win every once in a while #
Podes tomar conta dela enquanto procuramos?
Could you look after her while we figure it out?
Morrer não, mas limpar a casa de vez em quando, não agir como se deixar a mulher e a filha fosse uma coisa banal.
Not die, but clean your house once in a while, not act like leaving a woman and her child is a casual fucking thing.
While combing my hair now
* Ты в моих молитвах *
A câmara de segurança mostra que deixou o caixa
I counted out my drawer while Chad cleaned up the mess. The security camera shows you left your register for almost five minutes.