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Translate.vc / Portuguese → Turkish / Perhaps

Perhaps translate Turkish

15 parallel translation
Talvez tenhas razão, talvez não devemos ir a policia.
Perhaps perhaps you are right, we do not have to go to the police.
Talvez queiras dizer algumas palavras?
Perhaps you'd like to say a fewwords?
O seu livro de ensaios, "Mishaps, Perhaps", foi publicado em 1955.
"Deneme, Felaket, Belki" isimli kitabı 1966 yılında yayımlandı.
Talvez tenha finalmente uma cerimónia como deve ser na minha biblioteca presidencial quando tudo isto acabar.
Perhaps I'll finally have a proper ceremony at my presidential library after this is all over.
Talvez nunca o façam
Perhaps they never will
HAWAII FIVE-0 S05E07 - "Ina Paha" ( If Perhaps ) ]
Hawaii Five-O 5x07 Ina Paha - Eğer, Belki
Talvez a possas roubar depois e insensibilizar a lâmina com a tua arte.
Well, perhaps you can steal it later and dull its blade with your art.
Nunca os repito. Talvez alguém que tenha estado lá tenha contado ao Vijay.
Perhaps, belkide Vijay anlattıklarını başkasından dinlemiştir.
Estava bêbedo e é por isso que não se lembra?
Were you drunk, and that's why you don't remember perhaps?
Quem sabe depois do jantar, pudesses escovar o meu cabelo.
Perhaps after dinner you could brush my hair.
Talvez seja algo que tenha aprendido com Carlos Magno.
* Perhaps that's something you learned from Charlemagne.
Talvez, agora seja a altura de se afastar.
* Perhaps now is the time to relinquish it.
Ele queria voltar para cá.
Perhaps it's just as well.
Talvez já o tivéssemos feito.
Perhaps we already had.
Talvez estejas certo.
* Perhaps you're right.

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