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13 parallel translation
- Это связано с Элизой, да?
- It's to do with this Eliza, itn't it?
х щрн ашкн гюлермн япюгс, оношрйю йюгюрэяъ нрйпшршл х янбпелеммшл наыеярбнл, х ярпъумсрэ я яеаъ опнькне.
It was a massive attempt, and it hit you straightaway... Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter to appear open and modern and shorn of their past.
х, йюгюкняэ, врн лш цкъдхл мю оюмекэ сопюбкемхъ лхпнбшлх янашрхълх.
Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter... And in a sense, you were looking down into the cockpit of world events.
[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСП] еякх аш бш яйюгюкх лме, врн с мелжеб мер б лчмуеме ондцнрнбкеммнцн ьрсплнбнцн нрпъдю, ъ аш бюл ме онбепхк, онрнлс врн бяе б 1972 цндс ашкх юаянкчрмн сбепемш... б лхте на юаянкчрмни, аегфюкнярмни мележйни щттейрхбмнярх.
If you had told me then that the Germans did not have available in Munich... Gerald Seymour ITN News Service a trained storm squad, I think I would have disbelieved you because everybody in 1972 was totally transfixed by a myth of utter German ruthless efficiency.
цкюбмши ямюиоеп оепедбхцюкяъ хг ндмни онгхжхх мю дпсцсч, онрнлс врн ярнка оепейпшбюк кхмхч нцмъ, йнцдю мювюкюяэ ярпекэаю, х онщрнлс опносярхк лнлемр цкюбмнцн бшярпекю б цкюбюпъ "вепмнцн яемръапъ".
And a key marksman was moving from one position to another, blocked by a pillar... Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter to get into another shooting position when the shooting started and therefore missed the crucial shot against the Black September commander.
Линда Харрисон, ITN.
Leanda Harrison, ITN.
Джон Дрейпер, ITN, Манчестер.
John Draper, ITN, Manchester.
Я сейчас поеду на Ай-ти-эн.
I'm on my way to ITN now.
Я убедил его сходить поговорить с людьми из Ай-ти-эн.
I've managed to persuade him to go over and have a word at ITN. Well done.
Иди к Марку Дэвису на Ай-ти-эн.
I need you to go over to Mark Davies at ITN, right?
Мотай сейчас же к ITN и начинай выбивать из них дерьмо.
Get the fuck down to ITN right now and start briefing the shit out of them, right?
Следующее произведение было муз.темой новостей ITN в годы с 1959 по 1982 И оно было таким веселым. Новости видимо были в то время куда лучше.
This next piece of music was actually the news theme for'ITN'news between 1959 and 1982 and it's so relentlessly jolly, the news must've been much nicer then!
Простите, но 300 тысяч за эту работу маловато.
Excuse me, but 300,000 for this job, is itn't too little?

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