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Translate.vc / Russian → English / [ Д ] / Дело не только во мне

Дело не только во мне translate English

78 parallel translation
Дело не только во мне и Фредди. Мы должны заботиться о ребенке!
It's not just about Freddi and me, we've got a baby to feed.
Дело не только во мне.
Well, I'm not just thinking about me so much.
И дело не только во мне. Есть еще и Пол, не говоря уже о Джоне и Лиззи.
It's not just me, there's Paul, not to mention John and Lizzie.
И дело не только во мне и мальчиках.
And it's not just me and the boys she has to leave for.
Дело не только во мне.
It's not just me.
ОК, значит дело не только во мне, так?
Дело не только во мне.
Well, it wasn't just me, all right?
Хлоя, дело не только во мне.
Chloe, this is so much bigger than me.
- Дело не только во мне, малыш.
- This ain't a one-man deal, kid.
Мама, дело не только во мне.
Mom, it isn't just me.
Сейчас дело не только во мне.
Now that isn't just on me.
Мне понадобилось несколько десятилетий, но дело не только во мне -
It took me a few decades, but it's not just me - -
Теперь дело не только во мне, но и в жилищном кооперативе.
It's not just me now - it's the building society as well.
Дело не только во мне, Дин.
It wasn't just me dean.
Может дело не только во мне. Может от против любого "чужака".
Like he's got something against me, maybe against all outsiders.
Так что дело не только во мне.
So, it's not just me.
Дело не только во мне, а в моем муже, других моих детях, и в этом малыше.
It's not just me. It's my husband, it's my other kids, it's a baby.
Но если вы посмотрите на окончательный вариант, то сами убедитесь, что дело не только во мне что на большинство людей моя машина действует успокаивающе.
But if you look at these results, you'll see that it's not just me, but in fact, a majority of people who become calmer when using my machine.
Дело не только во мне, дело в нем.
It's not just me, it's him.
- Дело не только во мне или тебе. - Нет, дело в твоем внуке.
- No, it's about your grandson.
Но дело не только во мне
But it's not just me.
Дело не только во мне, но и в тебе.
You know, it isn't just about me, it's about you, as well.
Знаешь, дело не только во мне.
You know, this isn't all me.
Дело не только во мне.
It's not just me, man.
- Дело не только во мне.
- It's not just me.
Потому что дело не только во мне, и я не хочу, чтобы они все облажали.
'Cause it's not just about me, and I don't want to see them screw this up.
Дело не только во мне, Джонни
It's not just about me, Johnny.
Послушайте, дело не только во мне.
Look, this isn't just about me.
Дело не только во мне.
It's not just about me any more.
Дело не только во мне, брат.
It's not just me, cousin.
И дело не только во мне.
It isn't just me.
- Дело не только во мне, Низар. * * * Они должны сделать то, что я сказал! * * *
This is not just about me, Nizar.
Вы не понимаете, дело не только во мне, дело и в Тео тоже.
You don't get it. It isn't just about me. It is about Theo.
Слушай, дело не только во мне, понимаешь?
Look, this isn't about me, okay?
Дело не только во мне, а во всех нас.
This isn't about me. This is about all of us.
Я знаю, что дело не только во мне!
I know it's not just about me!
Слушай, дело не только во мне.
Look, this is just not me, okay?
Дело не только во мне.
This is not just about me.
- Дело не только во мне.
- It's not just about me!
Дело не только во мне.
This isn't just about me. - Who?
Понимаю, тебе не приходило в голову, но дело не только во мне.
I know this never occurred to you, but it's not just me.
Дело не только в Гёране, но и во мне.
It's not solely Göran's fault, it's equally my own.
Нет, нет, не надо слов ; дело не во мне, а в ней ; только это имеет значение.
No, don't talk to me any more, I don't count any more, it's she
Если бы дело было только во мне и станции, меня не затащили бы в такое дерьмо ни шантажом, ни деньгами.
If it was just me at the station, I wouldn't have give a shit about the blackmailing and the money.
Но дело тут не в другом мужчине, а только в папе и во мне.
But there's no one else involved, îust the two of us.
Например "Дело не в тебе, дело во мне,... только во мне."
"It's not you, it's me."
Дело не только во мне.
It's not just about me.
Но дело ведь не только во мне.
This is not just about me.
Не думаю, что дело только во мне.
Don't think this is about me, Mr. Rivers.
Дело не только в детях, милый, а во мне.
It's not just the kids, babe, it's me.
Дело ведь не только во мне?
It's not just me?

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