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Йнлюмдш translate English

11 parallel translation
дкъ юмдпе х бяеи йнлюмдш хгпюхкъ, нкхлохюдю 1972 цндю хлекю нянане гмювемхе, онрнлс врн нмю опнундхкю б лчмуеме, цеплюмяйнл цнпнде, цде гюпндхкяъ мюжхгл.
For Andre and the rest of the Israeli team the 1972 Olympics held a particular significance because they were held in Munich, Germany, the birthplace of Nazism.
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн щрн хлеер нцпнлмне гмювемхе дкъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш, опхеуюрэ х опхмхлюрэ свюярхе, х мюундхрэяъ б нкхлохияйни депебме, х, йнмевмн фе, ху свюярхе б жепелнмхх нрйпшрхъ хцп, йнцдю ху йнлюмдю люпьхпнбюкю онд ткюцнл ян гбегдни дюбхдю, ашкн нвемэ бнкмсчыхл лнлемрнл.
There was a feeling that this was a huge event for the Israeli team to be coming and attending and therefore their presence in the Olympic village certainly their presence in the opening ceremony when their team marched under the flag of the Star of David were very emotional moments.
янпебмнбюмхъ дкъ юмдпе х ецн йнлюмдш гюйнмвхкхяэ гю 10 дмеи. юмйх х нм онеуюкх б цнккюмдхч опнбедюрэ ябнч люкемэйсч днвэ юмсй, йнрнпсч нмх нярюбхкх я пндхрекълх юмйх.
After ten days, Andre's fencers finished their competitions and he and Ankie traveled to Holland to spend time with their baby Anouk whom they had left in the care of Ankie's parents.
я онлныэч вкемнб йнлюмдш бнярнвмни цеплюмхх, кхдепш реппнпхярнб опнмхйкх гюпюмее мю реппхрнпхч нкхлохияйни депебмх х хгсвхкх е ╗ пюяонкнфемхе.
With the help of members of the East German team the terrorist leaders had entered and studied the Olympic village in the days prior to the attack.
яеивюя нмх мюопюбхкхяэ опълн б пюяонкнфемхе лсфяйнцн нрдекемхъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш.
Now they headed straight for the Israeli men's quarters.
б юоюпрлемре # 1 мюундхкхяэ рпемепш йнлюмдш.
Apartment one housed the team coaches.
йнцдю нмх бнпбюкхяэ рсдю, рпемеп йнлюмдш анпжнб лнье беимаепцеп оношрюкяъ ху нярюмнбхрэ, мн нмх бшярпекхкх х пюмхкх ецн.
As they broke in, wrestling coach Moshe Weinberger attempted to stop them but he was shot and wounded.
13 вкемнб хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш б гюкнфмхйюу.
Thirteen members of the Israeli team as hostages.
[оХРЕП дФЕММХМЦЯ] - дфхл, ъ мюунфсяэ онврх... мюд гдюмхел хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш.
Jim, I am almost directly over the Israeli building.
ясыеярбсер ндхм пеонпрюф бхктю апхлякх хг юяяньхщиред опеяя, б йнрнпнл цнбнпхряъ, врн кеиремюмр онкхжхх яйюгюк елс, врн б 5 вюянб, опхакхгхрекэмн, вепег 29 лхмср нрпъд онкхжеияйху днапнбнкэжеб, ндершу йюй яонпрялемш, оношрюеряъ бгърэ ьрсплнл гдюмхе хгпюхкэяйни нкхлохияйни йнлюмдш.
There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press... There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press who said a police lieutenant told him that at 5 : 00 about 29 minutes from now, Munich time a volunteer squad of policemen dressed as athletes would storm the Israeli Olympic team headquarters and would come in shooting.
нярюбьхеяъ вкемш хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш скерекх днлни я рекюлх ябнху онцхаьху рнбюпхыеи.
The surviving members of the Israeli team flew home with their dead.

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