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Йнрнпнл translate English

5 parallel translation
нм ашк нвемэ ункндем х пеьхрекем.... реппнпхярш оепедюкх онкхжхх ябн ╗ гюъбкемхе, б йнрнпнл нмх онрпеанбюкх нябнанфдемхъ анкее 200 гюйкчвеммшу хг рчпел б хгпюхке, цеплюмхх, х дпсцху ярпюмюу.
He was very cool and very determined clearly fanatical in his convictions. The terrorists handed a communique to the police. In it they demanded the release of more than 200 revolutionary prisoners from jails in Israel, Germany and elsewhere.
ясыеярбсер ндхм пеонпрюф бхктю апхлякх хг юяяньхщиред опеяя, б йнрнпнл цнбнпхряъ, врн кеиремюмр онкхжхх яйюгюк елс, врн б 5 вюянб, опхакхгхрекэмн, вепег 29 лхмср нрпъд онкхжеияйху днапнбнкэжеб, ндершу йюй яонпрялемш, оношрюеряъ бгърэ ьрсплнл гдюмхе хгпюхкэяйни нкхлохияйни йнлюмдш.
There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press... There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press who said a police lieutenant told him that at 5 : 00 about 29 minutes from now, Munich time a volunteer squad of policemen dressed as athletes would storm the Israeli Olympic team headquarters and would come in shooting.
бш лнфере опедярюбхрэ яеае яонпрялемю, депфюыецн б псйюу леьнй, б йнрнпнл, х щрн нвебхдмн, мюундхряъ юбрнлюр.
There you see an athlete holding a canvas bag in which is obviously a machine gun.
[уюимж унуемяхм] лш фдюкх х фдюкх, мн йнднбне якнбн'янкмевмши ябер'ме онярсоюкн... ю лш ашкх йюй оепянмюфх тхкэлю мю гдюмхх бнярнвмни цеплюмхх мюопнрхб мюя... мю йнрнпнл б опълнл щтхпе яннаыюкх нан бя ╗ л, врн опнхяундхкн мю йпшье.
We waited and waited, but the code word "sunshine" never came because there was a film crew on the East German building opposite us which broadcast live everything that was happening on the roof.
ю мюпнд ягюдх цнбнпхр "вершпе" онрнл пюгдюеряъ гбнмнй, х нмх дючр реае оюйер лнкнйю х йсянй аслюцх мю йнрнпнл мюохяюмн врн рш лнфеьэ онирх оняпюрэ хкх рхою рнцн.
Then the bell rings, and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or something.

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