Йнрнпшу translate English
6 parallel translation
мн дкъ мейнрнпшу б хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмде ашкн ме рюй кецйн гюашрэ опнькне.
Jacov Springer Israeli Weightlifting Coach... Jacov Springer Israeli Weightlifting Coach... But for some of the Israeli team, it was not so easy to erase the past.
щрн ме йхмнтхкэл щрн - мюьх кчдх, н йнрнпшу лш цнбнпхл!
It's not a movie. It's our people we're talking about!
мн, онрнлс врн бяе днпнцх ашкх гюахрш гебюйюлх, нмх яслекх опхашрэ рнкэйн вепег вюя, мн й щрнлс бпелемх бяъ оепеярпекйю онврх гюйнмвхкюяэ бя ╗ еы ╗ мхйюйху ябедемхи, йнрнпшу лш фд ╗ л я мерепоемхел, ябедемхи н ясдэае гюкнфмхйнб.
But because the roads were congested with onlookers they did not arrive at the scene for another hour by which time most of the fighting was over. Still no word the word we really want, from the hostages.
оюкеярхмжш, йнрнпшу нмх бхдекх ;
The Palestinians that one saw, there was that feeling that they were in charge and that they were dictating.
"явюяркхбнцн ебпеияйнцн мнбнцн цндю" бяел... апюрэъл, деръл нвемэ лмнцн кчдеи, йнрнпшу ъ бярпевюч мю скхже хкх мю пюанре, йнцдю нмх сгмючр, врн ъ днвэ... хняхтю пнлюмн, хг лчмуемю,
A lot of people I meet in the street or at work... Schlomit Romano when they hear about me being the daughter ofJosef Romano from München they say, " Oh, you know, when I was little...
ю с лемъ мер. дебсьей, с йнрнпшу еярэ бяе, хмрепеясчр рюйхе фе оюпмх.
Girls who have it all like boys who have it all.