Йюйнлс translate English
3 parallel translation
нмх унрекх опхирх й йюйнлс-рн пеьемхч, врн яоюя ╗ р ху фхгмх, мн мюдефдш мю щрн с мху ашкн люкн.
They wished to come to a conclusion which might save their lives but they were not very hopeful in that respect.
ю йнлс щрн рш жекшлх дмълх охьеьэ, мебхммши люкэвхй?
Who do you keep sending messages to?
нмю онгбюкю лме он хмрепйнлс х яопняхкю, йрн ъ х йюйне яецндмъ вхякн.
She called me on the intercom... and asked who I was and what day it was.