Йюйюъ translate English
19 parallel translation
бнр йюйюъ анкэьюъ юсдхрнпюъ с мюя яеивюя асдер "
What an audience we'll get now. "
ноърэ йюйюъ-рн декецюжхъ с бундю б гдюмхе, х нупюммхйю-юпюаю мер мю аюкйнме, мн б нйме всрэ мхфе йрн-рн бед ╗ р оепецнбнпш я мхл.
Once again there is a delegation directly under the building and the Arab guard, not on the balcony but in the window slightly down below him, is negotiating with him.
ни. йюйюъ цюднярэ! ю еы ╗ йпюямее ме лнц мюирх?
Wasn't there anything redder and grosser?
- упемэ йюйюъ-рн.
I was freaking. I was up all night.
йюйюъ йпюяхбюъ.
So beautiful.
ъ унвс, врнаш рш ашкю рюйни, йюйюъ еярэ.
I want you to be exactly who you are.
рэ ╡ йюйюъ-рн ярпюммюъ, рэ ╡ нрбкейюеьэ лемъ.
You're weird, you're distracting me.
хд ╗ л б яюд! йюйюъ йкюяямюъ бевепхмйю, в ╗ пр!
What a party!
щрн йюйюъ-рн ньхайю!
This is a mistake!
рш ме опедярюбкъеьэ йюйюъ рср рчпэлю!
You have no idea what prison is like here!
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] нмх нярюбхкх хняхтю пнлюмн слхпюрэ, хярейюъ йпнбэч, к ╗ фю япедх ябнху дпсгеи, йюй опедсопефдемхе, врн еякх йрн-мхасдэ онопнасер бшпбюрэ нпсфхе с оюкеярхмжю, ецн нфхдюер рюйюъ фе ясдэаю.
They letJosef Romano die, bleeding to death, lying between all his friends as a warning if anybody tried to grab a weapon from one of the Palestinians this would be their lot.
рюйюъ рпнцюрекэмюъ санцнярэ. с лемъ ашк оюпемэ, йнрнпши гбнмхк лме йюфсдч лхмсрс, онйю ъ нр мецн ме хгаюбхкюяэ.
In New York a guy sent me an SMS a minute to date me.
ъ пеоерхпнбюк дкъ ьбедяйнцн щйоепхлемрюкэмнцн йпсфйю, еярэ рюйюъ реюрпюкэмюъ ярсдхъ...
I take Swedish experimental class theater. I mean theater class. Experimental porn?
лнпяйюъ ябхмйю.
Guinea pig.
я сднбнкэярбхел, ляэе ясохп. "тпюмжсгяйюъ хлоепхъ я яепедхмш уlу бейю дн 1960-у".
"The French Empire from the 1850's to 1960".
йюйюъ пюгмхжю?
What's the difference?
меипнояхухюрпхвеяйюъ йкхмхйю
щрн ашкю к ╗ цйюъ опнцскйю.
I'm in a lot of pain, Rick.
рнкэйн еярэ ндмю люкемэйюъ гюцбнгдйю, лнпрх. рн хглепемхе ашкн мюярнкэйн пюгбхрн, врн нмх нярюмнбхкх опнжеяя ярюпемхъ.
The dimension I visited was so advanced, they had also halted the aging process, and everyone there was young, Morty, and they had been forever.