Йюферяъ translate English
11 parallel translation
скэрхлюрсл, йюй мюл йюферяъ, гюйюмвхбюеряъ вепег лхмсрс.
The deadline appears, to us, to be less than one minute away.
мн щрн нйюгюкн нцпнлмне бкхъмхе мю лемъ, хмнцдю лме йюферяъ, врн опнькю жекюъ фхгмэ.
It was only a year and three months that I was married to Andre Spitzer but it made such an enormous impression on me sometimes it looks like a lifetime.
лме йюферяъ, врн лш онксвюкх яоежхюкэмсч ондцнрнбйс.
It seemed to me we were getting special training.
"дю бш рпемхпнбюкхяэ дкъ щрнцн 4 цндю", мн щрн йюферяъ меопюбхкэмшл.
I thought, yeah, you've trained for this for four years but it seemed wrong.
скэрхлюрсл, йюй мюл йюферяъ, хярейюер лемэье, вел вепег лхмсрс.
The deadline appears, to us, to be less than one minute away.
еякх хгпюхкэяйне опюбхрекэярбн нрйюферяъ нябнандхрэ гюйкчвеммшу... лш асдел рпеанбюрэ яюлнкер... врнаш лш лнцкх бшкерерэ я гюкнфмхйюлх б кчасч юпюаяйсч ярпюмс.
If the Israeli government still refused to release the prisoners we had been told to demand an airplane to take us, with the hostages, to any Arab country we could.
дн вецн гдеяэ фюпйн, яхк мер репоерэ... лш хгсвюкх ьйюкс жекэяхъ... йюферяъ, ъ гюфцкю цнпекйс, врнаш опнбепхрэ, пюанрюеркх нмю... дхяжхокхмюпмши янбер х меледкеммне хяйкчвемхе, йюй он-бюьелс?
I'm burning up! We were studying the Celsius scale. I guess...
оняксьюи. щрн ярпюммн гбсвхр, мн лме йюферяъ, мекэгъ я мхл пюяярюбюрэяъ.
I know it sounds weird... but I think I should stay with it.
х лме щрн йюферяъ, бэ ╡ сф опнярхре, яюлэ ╡ л мюярнъыхл оюпюднйянл!
And, forgive me, but it seems the ultimate paradox.
лме йюферяъ, нмн реае нвемэ хд ╗ р.
It'll look great on you.
Three down, nine to go, I think I'm winning this.