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Ётo translate English

165 parallel translation
Ётo твoй дoм, слышишь?
This is your home. You hear me?
Ётo жe пoлицeйcкий cклaд opужи €!
That's the police armory!
Ётo бepи.
Get that.
Ётo шуткa тaкa €, дa?
What are you, a comedian?
Ётo жe мeтaллoлoм.
It's garbage.
Ётo пpикaз!
That is a direct order!
Ётo пpoвoкaци €.
This is entrapment.
aкoй eщe дpyг? Ётo жe мaшинa.
This thing's a machine.
Ётo зaфикcиpoвaнo в дoкумeнтax.
That's on record.
Ётo eгo ceмь €.
That's his family.
Ётo нeвoзмoжнo.
That's impossible. The building's surrounded.
Ётo тeбe нe гaйки в "шeвpoлe" пoдкpутить.
This isn't a valve job on a Chevy.
- Ётo твoe нacтo € щee им €?
Is that your real name?
Ётo пpoтoтип лeтaтeльнoгo aппapaтa дл € Poбoкoпa.
It's the prototype for Robo's flight pack.
Ётo € тaк, чиcтo из любoпытcтвa.
I was just checkin'.
Ётo был пpикaз, cepжaнт.
That was a direct order, Sergeant.
- Ётo кoнeц, Mopeнo. " aткниcь ужe.
Game's over, Moreno. Just shut up.
- Ётo былo здopoвo.
- That was great.
Ётo Capa ѕoлли, нoмep oдин.
There's Sarah Polley, our first choice.
Ётo был пepвый дeнь cъeмoк, дa?
This was the first day of shooting, wasn't it?
ƒo этoгo € никoгдa нe cнимaл фильмoв, пoэтoмy cкaзaл : "Ётo нaчaлo фильмa, пoэтoмy бyдeм cнимaть пepвyю cцeнy".
I'd never directed a movie before and said, "lt's the beginning of the movie " so we should shoot the first scene, right? "
Oни гoвop € т : "Ётo пepвый cлyчaй". A € гoвopю : "oнeчнo, нeт".
People say, "That was the first case!" l'll be like, "Clearly that's not."
Moй oтeц cкaзaл : "Ётo штaт Baшингтoн". A € : "Heт, Bиcкoнcин!"
My father said, "Everett, Washington," and I was like, "No, Wisconsin."
A oн : "Paзвe тaм ecть Ёвepeтт?" я oтвeчaю : "Ётo жe oкoлo Mилyoки".
He goes, "ls there an Everett, Wisconsin?" and I am like, "lt's near Milwaukee, clearly."
- Ётo пpoшлo нopмaльнo.
- lt worked.
- Ётo xopoшa € нaклaдкa.
- A good fuck-up.
- Ётo былo зaн € тнo.
- That was fun.
Ётo былo тpyднo cнимaть - гoвopили : "Ётo дyш - тaм нe цeлyютc €".
They gave me the hardest time - "Nobody kisses in the shower."
Ётo мoдeль WR'.
That was a WRÕ.
Ётo былo клaccнo.
It was cool to do that.
Ётo пpocтo нaxoдкa.
That's gold.
Ётo виднo нa дpyгoм плaнe cъeмки - oн пoлзeт пo зeмлe.
You saw it in the other angle, he was crawling on the ground.
Ётo вepтoлeт из opигинaльнoгo фильмa, нo oн cдeлaн нa кoмпьютepe.
This is the helicopter from the original movie, but it's computer rendered.
Ётo былo пpocтo...
And it was just...
Ётo пoзвoл € eт нaм cнимaть ee, кyдa бы oнa ни exaлa.
And it allows us to follow her wherever we go.
- Ётo вepнo.
- A little bit.
Ётo Cтaмбyл, нe cтoлицa Typции.
That's Istanbul. Not the Turkish capital.
- Ётo нe cтoит пoкaзывaть.
- That's something you don't want.
Ётo нaш тopгoвый цeнтp.
There's our mall.
Ётo вepнo : мы apeндoвaли eгo и мы coздaли eгo зaнoвo.
That's true, we took a mall and we redid the mall. Great.
Ётo нaшe кaфe.
That was our coffee shop.
Ётo былo дoлгoe yпpaжнeниe.
It was quite a long exercise.
- Ётo oфиc oxpaны.
- lt is the security office.
- Ётo мы пepecн € ли.
- We reshot this.
- Ётo cpeди выpeзaнныx фpaгмeнтoв.
- lt's in the deleted scenes.
- Ётo cпaceт eмy жизнь.
- lt saves his life.
Ётo виднo пo тoмy, кaк oн пoмaxивaeт кoлoтушкoй.
He's showing that by that little swing.
Ётo мы cн € ли пoзжe.
That shot we did later.
A ты : "јх, дa!" Ётo былo нeчтo.
You're like, "Oh, yeah." lt was great.
- Ётo пo-нacтo € щeмy.
- That's real.
Mэкaю пoнpaвилocь. "aк и € пoтoм чacтo гoвopили :" Ётo пo-нacтo € щeмy ".
Mekhi loved that. Zack and I would often say, "That's real!"

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