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Announce translate Spanish

5 parallel translation
Я напишу официальное объявление. "Let's announce it now. I'll write the announcement."
Yo escribo el anuncio ".
And it is in that spirit that I am pleased to announce that the Major Crimes section of the NYPD is about to make an arrest in this case.
Ella esta comprando tiempo. No puedo, no te das cuenta? El ha estado engañando a usted, madre.
Some of you will recognize Shaun Manning, but his is not the arrest we are here to announce.
No pretendas. Lo sabias, verdad? Cuando que toco en la noche, que lo sabias.
Я сброшу это тело, заберу твое and march down to announce to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that I finally succeeded in defeating the great Alveus.
Me mudaré de este anfitrión, te tomaré y marcharé abajo para anunciarle a los agentes de SHIELD que finalmente tuve éxito en derrotar al gran Alveus.
Rather, I would like to announce, that Assistant District Attorney Gordon Frost is under arrest for the murders of Christopher Jenkins and Robert Cordero.
Cuando te pusiste la ropa que el has comprado y te fuiste a sus fiestas... Admitelo. Siempre supiste.

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