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Translate.vc / Russian → Spanish / [ P ] / Planned

Planned translate Spanish

17 parallel translation
As mentioned regarding your visit to Spain we shall be awaiting your reply regarding our planned meetings which will be held here, these meetings on May the 15th.
As mentioned regarding your visit to Spain we shall be awaiting your reply regarding our planned meetings which will be held here, these meetings on May the 15th.
The first day's air attack was planned at 1080 sorties огромное воздушное нападение. ... a huge air attack.
El primer día de ataque aéreo iba a incluir 1080 misiones un ataque aéreo gigantesco.
You think she found out about the affair, planned to confront her?
¿ Piensas que ella descubrió la aventura, y planeaba confrontarla?
Perhaps she planned...
Quizá planeó...
Her will shows that she planned to leave you $ 300,000.
Su testamento dice que pensaba dejarle 300.000 dólares.
In fact, you probably planned it all along.
De hecho, tu probablemente planeaste todo esto.
Like every step was planned.
Como si cada paso estuviese planeado.
They had this planned to a "t."
Lo tenían planeado a tiempo.
Which is why I had this whole magical night planned.
Por eso tenía toda esta noche mágica planeada.
Sonya planned for me to see her at the court house.
Sonya planeó que yo la viera en el palacio de justicia.
This is the "big night" we had planned.
Esta es la "gran noche" que habíamos planeado.
Я была так шокирована, когда Федерация по регулированию рождаемости попросила разрешения назвать фонд в его честь.
Me emocioné cuando Planned Parenthood pidió nombrar un fondo en su honor.
Я не работаю в Федерации по регулированию рождаемости.
Y no trabajo para Planned Parenthood.
Я планировал кое-какие развлечения, но все провалилось.
I had some entertainment planned, but it fell through.
Затем пошла в женскую консультацию.
Entonces fue a Planned Parenthood.
Эбби отведёт меня в женскую консультацию...
Abbie me llevará a Planned Parenthood.
Vigilance has something else planned.
- Vigilancia tiene algo más planeado.

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