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Translate.vc / Russian → French / [ F ] / Fights

Fights translate French

5 parallel translation
# Достаточно уличных драк
l've had enough of street fights
- I mean, you got to fight the fights you know you can win. It's, like, no way.
Il faut choisir ses batailles.
Ты немного пьяна и возможно начнёшь пару драк но ты улыбнёшься и обнажишься.
♪ you get a little drunk ♪ and maybe start a few fights ♪ ♪ but you grin and bare it
I've had to call the cops on him a few times, after fights that he's picked.
J'ai du appeler les flics plusieurs fois, suite à des bagarres qu'il a commencéés.
Now he fights.
Maintenant, il se débat.

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