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Translate.vc / Russian → French / [ S ] / Signed

Signed translate French

18 parallel translation
Мы заключили контракт с "Гиффин" но деньги пока не получили.
There were months that we had signed with'Geffen'and we did not have a penny.
Удивительно ощущение, у тебя контракт... на миллионы... а живешь как голодранец.
He was having stranissimo signed with this... corporation... multi-milionaria... and be... completely green.
He had his, uh... his signed rookie card between two pieces of glass.
Il avait une carte de lui dédicacée qu'il avait mise sous verre.
Вчера вам было дано задание исполнить песню Стиви Уандера "Signed, sealed, delivered".
Vous chanterez Signed, sealed, delivered de Stevie Wonder.
Малыш, я здесь, подписанный, запечатанный, доставленный, Я твой
Oh, baby, here I am Signed, sealed, delivered
Я твой
Signed, sealed, delivered l'm yours
Я твой
Signed, sealed, delivered l'm yours
Я твой - Вау!
Signed, sealed, delivered l'm yours
I signed us up for a birthing class.
Je nous ai inscrit à des cours d'accouchements.
подпись твоя верная подруга Сесиль
♪ and I still think l'm in heaven ♪ ♪ signed your loyal friend Cecile ♪
The order will come in the formof a signed note.
- L'ordre viendra sous la forme d'une note signée. - Je comprends.
- They took me to breakfast on the way to the airport and told me Jack signed off.
- Ils m'ont emmené au déjeuner en route vers l'aéroport et m'ont dit que Jack a signé.
They finally signed off on the strategy.
Ils ont finalement signer sur la stratégie.
The rendition order was signed in haste, shall we say.
L'ordre de reddition a été signé à la hâte, si je puis dire.
d I've got originals signed d By Siegel and Shuster d But they don't satisfy d In the way that they used-ter d
♪ J'ai des originaux signés ♪ Par Siegel and Shuster ♪ Mais ils ne me satisfont
Stealing cars ain't what I signed up for.
Voler des voitures n'est pas ce pourquoi j'ai signé.
Stealing cars ain't what I signed up for.
Voler des voitures ce n'est pas ce pour quoi j'ai signé.

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