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Translate.vc / Russian → Portuguese / [ I ] / I said

I said translate Portuguese

88 parallel translation
I said, "luss."
Disse "perda".
У знать тeбя Я сказал Я нeмнoгo oпасeн
Know you I said, I l'm a little dangerous
Сeсть за руль Я нe oбманываю, малышка Я
Drive it I ain't playin', baby I said, I
Я говорила убрать здесь. I said get rid of it.
Eu disse, livra-te disso.
* И я сказал себе *
- And I said to myself sit down
Нет, нет, нет.
But I said no, no, no
* * да, да, да * * Ты заставил меня молить о пощаде. * * да, да, да * * Почему бы тебе не отпустить меня?
* i'm beggin'you for mercy * * yeah, yeah, yeah * * why won't you release me * * mercy * * show me some mercy * * i said release me *
* Ты заставил меня молить о пощаде. * * да, да, да * * сделай милость * * Я говорю — отпусти меня * * да, да, да *
* give me some mercy * * i said release me * * yeah, yeah, yeah. *
* Я сказала слишком много? *
Have I said too much?
It would be better for me if I said goodbye now.
Seria melhor para mim se nos despedíssemos agora.
I said I don't want to open anything.
Já disse que não quero abrir nada.
I said go to the door!
Vai para ao pé da porta.
I was late, so I said, "Sure."
Era tarde. Portanto, aceitei.
Ох, Фрэнки!
I said, "come on in," and I put on Sinatra oh, Frankie!
Рассказывают историю, которую я не могу слушать. Просто потому, что я говорила это, не значит, что я имела это в виду. Люди несут бред,
I cannot bear to hear just'cause I said it don't mean that I meant it people say crazy things just'cause I said it don't mean that I meant it just'cause you heard it
Please, I was angry, and I said things that I shouldn't have said, but I wasn't gonna kill her.
Por favor, estava com raiva e disse coisas que não devia, mas eu não a ia matar.
I believe I said you had very little chance.
Eu disse que tinhas poucas hipóteses.
I said turn around.
Eu disse para te virares!
Но я так и не сказала тебе "прощай".
I never really said goodbye
- And she gave away the secrets of her past - And said I've lost control again
Revelou segredos do seu passado E disse "Perdi de novo controlo"
- And a voice that told her when and where to act - She said I've lost control
E à voz que lhe disse para agir Ela disse "Perdi o controlo"
- And she turned around and took me by the hand and said - I've lost control again
Depois virou-se, pegou-me na mão E disse "Perdi de novo o controlo"
- And how I'll never know just why or understand - She said I've lost control again
E nunca perceberei porque disse "Perdi de novo o controlo"
- And she screamed out kicking on her side and said - I've lost control again
Ela gritou, esperneou E disse "Perdi de novo o controlo"
- And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die. - She said I've lost control
E julguei-a morta no chão Mas disse "Perdi o controlo"
I wanna hear it said they'll never part somehow
I wanna hear it said they'll never part somehow
# Мои подруги говорили мне, что я дура #
# My friends said I was a fool #
I became important to the tough guys in town. They were the first people ever told me I was a winner, said I was one of them, and it went from there.
Tornei-me importante entre os rufias da cidade, foram os primeiros a chamar-me vencedor.
You said you never expected it to happen in the first place, and now you're acting like I've taken it from you!
Primeiro disseste que nem sequer estavas à espera disto e agora ages como se eu to tivesse tirado!
- Oh. Anyway, I've--I've- - I've never said "thank you."
De qualquer forma, eu... nunca lhe disse "Obrigada".
Она сказала : вижу, ты из Rocafella Records * * Даёт мне деньги * * Заметно по твоему шарму *
She said I can tell you rock, I can tell by ya charm
"I'm the Lord of the Dance said he".
- Sou o Senhor da Dança, disse ele. - Não!
* Я сказал все, что хотел *
I've said enough.
* О, нет, я сказал слишком много *
Oh, no, I've said too much.
* Я не высказал всего, что хотел бы *
I haven't said enough.
I thought you said no happy hour.
Pensei que tinhas dito não à happy hour.
So I talked to the doorman, and he said That Vince hasn't lived there in almost two months.
Falei com o porteiro e ele disse que o Vince não mora lá há quase dois meses.
I asked her why, and... She said somebody had betrayed her.
Perguntei o porquê a ela e... ela disse que alguém a traiu.
- Well, at first, I thought it was me, for taking the movie role, but then... she said that someone wasn't who... she thought they were.
- Primeiro achei que fosse eu, por ficar com o papel no filme, mas então... - Quem? Ela disse que era alguém que não era quem ela pensava.
So I called the security company, and they said that the only guard that was stationed at the loading bay that night was some guy named Reggie Walsh.
Então liguei para a companhia de segurança e disseram que o único guarda que estava na plataforma naquela noite era um homem chamado Reggie Walsh.
When you said we were going to spend the thief out of hiding, I envisioned something more like supermarket sweep on Fifth Avenue.
Quando disseste que íamos gastar para o ladrão aparecer, imaginei qualquer coisa como limpeza de supermercados na "Quinta Avenida".
That being said, I would like to know that someone is concerned.
Dito isto, gostaria de saber que alguém está preocupado.
He said you walked out. Well, I'm walking back.
- Ele disse que te foste embora.
# And I forget about the girl that said no
O mais fantástico que vi foi o tipo da tatuagem do "Cold Fact". Era um imitador do Rodriguez.
Oh. He said he didn't think D.C. had any good catfish, so I brought him a sandwich from Mister A's.
Ele disse que acha que a capital não tem um bom peixe, por isso trouxe-lhe uma sanduíche do Mister A's.
I hated Klaus, but I still did everything he said.
Eu odiei o Klaus, mas mesmo assim fiz tudo o que ele disse.
But you said last time I had a chance of getting pregnant.
Você disse que eu tinha hipóteses de engravidar.
I thought you said we were gonna lay low.
Pensava que tinhas dito que não íamos dar nas vistas.
I said, open the door.
Disse para abrir a porta.
They said I didn't mean it. Killing my daddy. My mama.
Disseram que eu não tinha intenção... de matar o meu pai... a minha mãe...
It's like I said.
É como eu disse.

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