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Mixed translate Portuguese

9 parallel translation
"Сборник рассказов Миссис Бэзил и Фрэнкуайлера".
"From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler".
Look, I'm... I might have mixed up some of the scripts, but I was at The Fellowship mixer The night that Sarah died.
Olha, eu... posso ter misturado alguns dos roteiros, mas eu estava na reunião do Clube na noite em que a Sarah morreu.
And if you're mixed up with this, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen talking to the cops.
E se está metido nisso, tenho a certeza que não quer ser visto a falar com polícias.
I'm telling you. A raw egg mixed with a little clamato and some crushed-up Oreos works like a charm.
Eu disse, um ovo cru misturado com clamato, e bolacha triturada.
There was some confusion and then it was too late and I thought since I mixed things up- -
- A Peggy não sabia. Houve umas confusões. Depois, era tarde demais.
You're mixed up with some heavy stuff, Gabby.
Estás a meter-te com raia graúda.
Смешано-современные концептуальное искусство.
Arte conceptual mixed-media.
"Из архива миссис Базиль Э. Франквайлер, самого запутанного в мире".
Do romance Mixed-up Files of Basil E. Frankweiler.
What the hell did Zane get himself mixed up with?
Em que diabos o Zane se meteu?

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