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Translate.vc / Russian → Portuguese / [ P ] / Prey

Prey translate Portuguese

4 parallel translation
" Давайте покажем, на что мы способны как хищник, который всегда ищет добычу, не уставая, надеясь на свою силу.
"Now let us sport us while we may, " and now, like amorous birds of prey, " rather at once our time devour
Instead, he uses their vulnerability to prey on them.
Mas ele usa a vulnerabilidade deles para os atacar.
ГОТЭМ 1-19 "Жертвы и хищники"
Gotham S01E19 - Beasts of Prey - Tradução e Revisão :
Elian was easy prey.
O Elian era uma presa fácil.

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