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Supposedly translate Turkish

3 parallel translation
Он утверждает, что да, но не способен назвать имена супружеской пары, которую он предположительно встретил в день событий на Берриесса.
He claimed he did, but he's been unable to produce the names of the couple he supposedly met on the day of Berryessa.
Supposedly, his servants grew an imported Belgian strain near the, um, the gardens, uh, at Versailles.
Güya hizmetkârı Versailles civarındaki bahçelerden Belçika tohumu ithal ederek özel olarak üretirmiş.
Why coach a client to be... to be strong on details when she was supposedly psychotic at the time?
Bir müvekkil güya psikotik ise ne diye onu, ayrıntılara bu kadar çok hazırlar?

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