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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ B ] / Binsene

Binsene translate English

152 parallel translation
Ata tekrar binsene artık!
Come on, get on that horse again, will you?
- Hemen buluruz, binsene.
We'll find him, hop in.
Binsene sarışın, yerimiz var.
Get on, Blondie! There's room!
Evet. Binsene.
Come on, get in.
Binsene atına.
Get on your horse.
Get in.
Hadi delikanlı, binsene.
Come on, lad, get up on it.
Haydi, binsene!
Well, get in the truck.
Öne binsene, Georgi dayı!
Get into the cab, Georgy.
Hadi binsene, güle güle kullanın.
Go, enjoy it.
- Binsene.
Get in.
Get back on!
Hadi, binsene!
Come on, get on.
Get on
Haydi binsene!
Come on!
Bu ne süpriz, binsene.
What a surprise, get in.
Haydi binsene.
Get in, Sis.
- Haydi binsene be adam.
- Come along, man, get aboard.
Herkes hep, "Taksiye binsene ya." diyor.
Everybody's always sayin "Why don't you just take a cab?"
Get in!
Vic, bin hadi! Vic, binsene şu arabaya!
Vic, get the fuck in here, now!
Binsene Donna.
Get in there, Donna.
Come in!
Binsene, yavrum.
Come, baby.
- Binsene pislik.
- Get in, you bastard!
- Haydi, binsene.
- Come on, get in.
Trene binsene.
Get on the train.
Evet, binsene.
Yes, get in.
Kamyonete binsene sen, bayan,... çünkü bu tür şeyleri sokak ortasında yapmam ben.
Get in the truck, there, missy,...'cause I don't do that sort of thing on the street.
Try it now.
Binsene, seni istasyona bırakayım.
Get on, I'll take you to the station.
Kendi aracına binsene!
Get your own ride, creepo!
- Öyleyim. - Gidip saçlarımı yaptıracağım. - Binsene.
- I'm going to get streaks done.
- Anahtarlar sende mi? - Binsene.
- Do you have the keys?
Binsene, gitmek üzereyiz.
Get in, we're about to go
Binsene hadi!
Get in! Now!
Come on, climb in.
Binsene, Emel.
Come on, Amal, get in.
Şu karavana binsene!
Will you just get in the van?
Hava soğuk, binsene?
Look cold, want a ride?
Jump in.
- Binsene Kolya.
- Hi, three not allowed?
Get in! Get in!
Hey, ata binsene!
Hey, Miss!
Get in!
- Binsene.
Come on.
'Cause I'm gonna call you.
Harry, sen binsene?
- Why don't you take it?
Hop in
Arabaya binsene.
Why don't you get in the car.
- Binsene.
- Get in.

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